IV. Killer's Gonna Kill

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Saturday, 11:10 P.M.

"Guys this isn't funny," Iris said nervously, as she stood in complete darkness. She wasn't sure how long she had been waiting for, mostly because she had just woken up from whatever had hit her. The overhead lights flickered on above her as she walked forward. She guided her hand along the wall in an attempt to calm herself down. The screeching of the lights moving caused her to close her eyes for a second as she waited for it to stop. Silence filled the attraction except for the sound of water dripping. It soothed Iris enough for her to open her eyes and escape the horror scene that was behind her.

Anastasia stood pacing outside, her brown eyes met Iris and she ran up and hugged her tightly. A large cut on her forehead was still bleeding but otherwise, she looked fine. "When the lights went out and when they came back on you were gone... and," she pulled Iris back and her smile faded. "Where's Cliff?"


Saturday, 10:45 P.M.

"Did I ever tell you how much I actually f*cking hate you?" Miles whined once more as Zoey led him through another unsuccessful building. He continued to mumble under his breath as he kicked a faded soda can against the ground. He barely paid any attention to his surroundings and managed to trip Zoey.

Zoey let out a frustrated sigh and turned to look at him. She folded her hands together and stared at him. Miles avoided eye contact with her for a second before testing her grounds. "Miles... I'm going to need you to stop complaining for like five minutes. Or I'll leave you here for the killer to kill you and I will not feel heartbroken when you die."

"Then so be it," he challenged and walked away to stand in the middle of the path. "I'm over here! Please end my ongoing depression and make my death gruesome for my dark soul!"

Zoey glared at him and dragged him away with a force that caused him to jump at her touch. "Miles I swe-" she stopped and let go of him. She walked over to a door and smiled. "We found it. Maintenance repair."

"Yeah well it's going to be locked obviously," he stood beside her and pulled on the door. The door groaned but open up enough for them to squeeze through. "Guess not."

Saturday 11:00 P.M.

Tessa led them out a door and into the ride itself. The cars, that a person would normally ride, laid broken on the tracks with their wheels off or missing. Tessa held a broken pipe in her hand and Rhydian with the crowbar were there only defense.

"Tessa, how do you know that they went this way?" Penelope-Jane asked, as they walked farther into the ride. The uneasy feeling set the group on high alert which wasn't helping anyone. The buzzing in the air suddenly stopped and everything shut off, including the lights.

Carlie turned her phone light on while Tessa handed Penelope-Jane her light. "Just trust me okay?" Penelope-Jane slowly took it from her and shined it around the tunnel. "So Rhydian, that's your name right?"

Rhydian looked at her, unsure. "Yeah?"

Tessa balanced along the tracks as she spoke, "Guess this wasn't how you were going to spend your Saturday night, huh?"

"I'm pretty sure no one had this in mind, Tessa," Carlie stated. Rhydian nodded at Carlie's answer.

"I suppose that is true." Tessa checked her watch and sighed. "I should be at Stacy's house drinking until I pass out." Tessa kicked the ground with sadness.

Rhydian and Penelope-Jane both looked at each other then back at her. "None of us want to be here, Tessa. We all had things we wanted to do," Penelope-Jane said.

"Yeah, I know," Tessa told them. The sound of water dripping echoed throughout the tunnel while a chubby black rat scurried away from them. "We must be getting close to the end. I guess they already left then."

"Maybe they found Zoey and Miles?" Penelope-Jane proposed.

"I don't think that sound is water..." Carlie placed a hand over her nose as she pointed the light at Cliff.

Penelope-Jane looked away quickly while covering her nose. The metallic smell reeked the area. Carlie slowly walked closer to inspect as the others watched her closely. Rhydian just behind her in case the killer was nearby.

Cliff laid dead with a huge gash on his head, blood sipping through into a large puddle that was being soaked into his clothes.

"Oh my gosh," Carlie placed a hand on his skin and felt that it was cold. She looked up at Rhydian and shook her head. "He's gone."

There was a slight sound of something moving in the distance and the group froze. Rhydian pulled Carlie up and motioned for the others to go. "The killer probably still here."

Who do you guys think the killer is at this point? I'll start to make it more obvious in the next/few chapters but I'm curious about who you think it is >:)

Sorry if anything sounds wrong or weird.. I got a cold and every ten seconds I'm sneezing so like yea. *Death*

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