VI. Fear Me, Love Me

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*Readers discretion advise*


Sunday, 12:15 A.M.

"Seems they've figured it out, once in for all," I said as I watched them from a distance. The group watched the three of us on the roof. Tessa and London had their feet and hands bound together. Tessa and London's cheeks stained with tears, both fearing the worst. "Guess it's your guys' luckily day." Spotlights shined down on us and the others below so they could get a clear and detailed view.

"You... you are letting us go?" London stammered as he glanced at me in fear.

I laughed at his question before pulling them both near. "No something much better. You all have an audience." I nodded towards their group of friends. They stopped and watched us on the roof. "This is a game and your the attraction. They... they are the players."

Tessa tried to shake me off but I pushed her closer to the edge. I held a large pointed rod to use to poke them with. The building wasn't high up but enough for them to see and hear me. The ropes were connected and tied to two hanging posts. Once they fell they would be hanged and struggled to their deaths.

They hurt their friends... our friends, I thought. They caused fear in their eyes and mind. They hurt Iris.

"Ana come down, please. Let's just talk about this okay?" Rhydian yelled. His voice echoing off the buildings.

I laughed as I leaned against the rod. I shook my head before saying, "You're not in the position of making demands, Rhydian. Besides I wanna play a little game," I said as I walked along the roof. Their face glancing back and forth before being masked with anger. "That is unless you want me to kill them right away."

"What do you have in mind?" Zoey asked as she stepped closer.

I glared at her. "Step back or I'll nudge them off." Zoey challenged me and I raised my rod at Tessa. She was slowly pulled back by Penelope-Jane. "Do not test me, Zoey."

With the group at a respectable distance, I continued, "I want you all to tell me something about yourselves. Something that you have never told anyone."

The group looked at her confused. "Wait... really? That's it?" Penelope-Jane clarified, not wanting to believe it was that simple.

"That's it, sweetheart," I smirked. "So who's first?"

"Oh thank goodness... I'll live to see another day," Tessa praised to herself.

If only it was that simple, I thought before turning my attention to the contestants.

"I'll go!" Rhydian called up to her. I nodded for him to continue. He reached into his leather jacket and pulled out something. It was a small piece of paper and he showed it to the others. "I keep a picture of my cat, Wolf, with me at all times. I used to think it always bring me good luck," He told us before letting out a nervous chuckle. "Guess it doesn't really."

I hit Tessa with the rod and she stumbled closer to the edge. She let out a scream and tried to balance herself on the hanging pole. "Not good enough! I need something deep! Personal!" I nudged London's shoulder. "Or he'll be next!"

"Okay! Okay!" Rhydian yelled and took a deep breath. "My childhood was very hard when I was growing up. I hardly ever had friends and my father..." he growled when he said his name. I nodded liking this very much. "I hate him so much!" he crumpled the picture in his hand and paused. Everyone waited for him to continue. He smoothed the picture as he talked. "He was physically abusive to my mother and she was always afraid when he was near. You could see the fear in her eyes every time the door opened."

Iris took a step near him and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked at her before stepping away to face me. His eyes meeting mine like I was to him. "That was until I took him on. I took control and defend my family. Something my father never knew." He stood tall with determination on his face. "And I'll do it again if it means protecting the ones that I call my friends." The girls looked at him with a smile and he nodded.

I clapped my hands together and they looked at me. "Bravo. Bravo. Very nice. But let us not get ahead of ourselves. I still have what you want."

"So do I!" Rhydian held Iris against him, with a piece of metal against her throat. Iris's eyes masked with fear and I growled at him.

"You wouldn't dare!" I retorted, my eyes watching the piece of metal against her throat.

"If it means saving two people instead of one then I'll take it," he told her, a smirk spreading across his face. Iris stood frozen in fear, her eyes pleading for help.

"What will it be, Ana?" Penelope-Jane said.

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