VIII. Fear Me, Love Me (Reprise)

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Sunday, 12:30 A.M.

"Do you trust me?" Zoey said low enough for Iris and Rhydian to hear but mostly Iris. "Do not nod your head but a simple yes would work."

"Of course, Z," Iris told her and Zoey looked at Rhydian. Rhydian grabbed Iris and pressed a broken metal piece he found against her throat.

"So do I," Rhydian said.

Iris stood frozen in shock but she trusted Zoey enough to know that she was up to something. Something smatter than she could have come up with.

Penelope-Jane took a step forward to intervene but Zoey stopped her. She held her hand against Penelope-Jane's forearm and looked at her. Penelope-Jane stood for a minute before stepping back to look at Anastasia's face.

"You wouldn't dare!" Anastasia retorted, her eyes watching the piece of metal against Iris' throat.

"If it means saving two people instead of one then I'll take it," he told her, a smirk spreading across his face. Iris stood frozen in fear, her eyes pleading for help.

"What will it be, Ana?" Penelope-Jane said.

Anastasia's attention turned to Zoey and a slow smile spread across her face. "Nice try... Would you, Zoey, really let them kill your best friend?" Zoey narrowed her eyes at her and Anastasia shook her head. "I didn't think so. Nice try big guy."

Rhydian growled but continued to hold her. Iris looked at Zoey for help and Zoey looked at Rhydian. "You can let her go now, Rhydian," she said.

Rhydian didn't move but kept his gaze locked with Anastasia. He pushed the sharp metal piece closer to her throat that caused Iris to gasp.

"Rhydian!" Zoey gasped and drew near.

Penelope-Jane glared at him and then Anastasia. Anastasia smiled at the scene liking this very much. "Rhydian you can drop the act! She just finds it funny." Police sirens drew near and relief rushed through the group. Penelope-Jane looked up at her and smiled, "Seems we've won."

Rhydian let go of Iris who stumbled forward. Zoey held her best friend close and rubbed her back.

Rhydian marched forward and threatened Anastasia with the metal piece, "Give us Tessa and London back. The police are coming and they are coming for you!"

Anastasia looked out at the police lights that flashed in the distance. "No, because I'm not a coward."

"There's a fine line between being a coward and pure stupidity," Penelope-Jane told her.

Anastasia snapped back at them as she paced the roof, her rod tightening around her hand. "I did what I had to do! I do not regret what I have done either. I accept my fate and will not run from the consequences." She stopped pacing before approaching the edge. Tessa and London were still frozen in fear. "Don't you see that I am protecting you all? They hurt you and they deserve to be removed from this world."

"Ana... you don't get to choose who lives or dies," Penelope-Jane told her. "Mistakes are going to happen and that's just part of life."

"Police! Drop your weapons and place your hands in the air!" Two men yelled at pointed their guns at Anastasia and the others. Everyone expects Tessa, London, and Anastasia raised their hands. One police officers motioned for them to stand against the wall with their hands placed on the wall.

"Step away from the hostages' girl! I said put your hands in the air!" The three police officers surrounded the building just as Carlie and Miles came into view.

"What the-" Carlie yelped at the sight of London and Tessa tied to ropes and trying to balance on the pole.

London looked at the officers and asked, "Can you please get me down from here!?"

Anastasia sneered before hitting the two off the poles. They screamed as they fell, the rope stopping the fall but hung around their neck. They struggled to breathe and the group gasped.

"They're going to die!"

"Tess! London!"

Anastasia ran as the police shot after her. The police quickly grabbed the rug from the floor and motioned for the teens on the wall to hold it. They spread it out and held it over the struggling Tessa and London.

The other two shot at the ropes and caused it to snap, the rug ready to catch them. They fell onto the rug gasping for air, their friends dropping the rug softly and kneeling beside them.

Tears of shock and joy streamed their faces as they hugged Tessa and London.

"I thought you were going to die," Iris said between tears as she hugged Tessa and then London.

Zoey started to untie their hands as she wiped her face with her hands. "I don't think I could lose any more of you all today. Thanks to you two," she nodded at Carlie and Miles. Carlie wiped away some tears and knelt beside them.

A police officer stood next to them to let them have their moment while they waited for the other three that had run after Anastasia. Miles stood slightly away from the group but was clearly wiping his eyes also.

Rhydian stood above everyone and helped them up. Penelope-Jane had tears of joy and gave them quick hugs and pecks of kisses on both of their cheeks. "Je suis tres heureuse that you all are alive!"

The police officers looked at the group and said, "Let's get all of you kids home."

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