1. He

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For a long time, he has been alone. No one was there beside him to comfort him when he is angry or crying. He endured it inside of himself and smiled like it was natural.

Then a certain incident happened and somehow, the memory of the future him years later comes inside the mind of his young self. The younger him doesn't know how or when it came but it just came, recalling what will happen in the future.

The memory burdened him with the future thus, making the younger him change.  He thought no one knows the change of atmosphere around him. After leaving the burden inside him, sooner or later, he realized, "Ahh, maybe the future me can't change it."

The redhead was glancing around the room he was in. "I'm in the hospital", he realized. The white and vast room didn't do him any good. He knows he won't like the smell of it but he endures it, again.

"Riku, where are you looking at?" His older twin brother said in a low voice. Concern thrown towards him is no longer being kept.

The redhead, Riku, whipped his head towards his brother. "I'm just looking around. It's been a long time since I came here," he said. His older brother raised an eyebrow.

"Tenn-nii, I'm fine."

It's weird when he said that. Why can't he differentiate future Tenn and his younger self? He realized that and changed the atmosphere in a slight second noticing that his older brother didn't realize it at all.

From the memory of the future him, it seemed like his brother will be adopted later on. This current timeline is not hard to figure out. He needed to change it so that the future will have no trouble

First, he needed to deal with his future manager's mother. She will eventually be roaming around the park to have a fresh change of air. When that time comes, he will change her view of what she is thinking. She needed to stay alive so that his manager will not have that horrible future.


Giving the ability to know the future is really convenient. People can change fate but will wonder what can happen again. No one knows what the future holds after all.

Even if some event has been changed, what effect could it bring to the future? This is the same as his ability. He knows what the future holds but to some extent only. If he changed the event, what differences will it make in the future?

But, this is the role he has chosen. He will not change it as long as he lived. The current him will do everything his future him cannot.

"Riku, where are you?"

Riku, the boy with red hair and dawn eyes, turned his head towards the voice. His brother, Tenn, sooner will change to Kujou Tenn, is looking for him around the place. Ah... he had made his brother worried.

Smiling, he said with a soft voice, "Tenn-nii, I'm here!" He waved his hand in slow motion. The wind blew and the leaf of the trees are blowing with it. The scene unfolded like in a cliché anime of romance.

Tenn widened his eyes. His brother really is an angel. "Riku, please don't wander off like that without me." He sighed.

"I'm sorry." Riku gave a very effective puppy-eyes look. "I never do that again." Tenn smiled. His brother will always be seen as an innocent creature. That is why he needed to protect him.

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