8. Beginning

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Riku gaze at Banri and Yuki in the same face as before. A blank face without any emotion. In reality, Riku is cracking up by the fact of how they both trying to confess their underlying feelings.

"A... We didn't mean it like that!" Banri tries to assure Riku.

Now, even Yuki is blushing due to embarrassment. Riku van only still hold his blank face while the inside is cracking.

"Banri-san and Yuki-san, I'm surprised you're a lolicon. Should I report this to the police?"

Yuki and Banri give him wide eyes. They look like fish gaps for air. How can they both look like an idiot and cool at the same time?

"R-Riku, we really didn't mean it!"

Tilting his head, he moves forward to their face nearly kissing. He smirks and gives them a light sign to keep silent using his index finger to his mouth.

"I know, don't worry. I just like to tease people from time to time."

Chuckling, Riku walks away and leaves them standing unaware of his sudden none presence.


While looking around the shop, Riku realizes that the shop that has been his favourite is close. When he thought he can at least have little sweets on his way back home.

"Now... What I wanna do?" Riku mumbling to himself while wandering around. He didn't want to go back to his home after all.

His brother will surely kill him when he got back from his burst put to door. Even he wonders what his parents will think when he came back.

"How about... A little arcade-hopping?" Riku thoughts as he walks in front of the said arcade.

But when he thinks again, he still a young kid without a guardian to come in this arcade. He remembers way back before when he try to come in but was that won't instead.

Give the children their own freedom too! At least children can play whatever they wanted to if they have money! Didn't all arcade is the same win that matter?

Sighing, Riku gives up. But when inside instead of going back home. He will think about the consequences later.

"Fun is the most important thing! Yolo* for everyone!" Riku monologue to himself.

He looks around the arcade and spots the arcade watcher or more like a cashier. He put up his money on the high table and looking at the cashier all smug.

"Kid, please go back home. This arcade is only for teen and adult, " the cashier plead when he saw Riku.

Clicking his tongue, Riku put up a paper next. The paper contains all his emotion about this arcade that for it children to come in.

"Why? This arcade is special because men are jerking off inside with some women? Are they fucking?"

The cashier gives a shock expression. In reality, Riku didn't really know where those words come from. He just put up some random words that he found on the way to his home before at the night.

He wrote everything in the paper so he can make a note for future use. But he didn't know he needs to use the words this early.

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