3. Him

886 37 15

A few days pass just like that. Riku glomp himself in his room. The colour of red that blends well with his hair making the redhead invisible in the room.

Riku still has that blank look even after few days pass. He can't decipher what is happening when he at the shop.

A sound knocking heard by Riku at the door. He immediately cleans everything in the room.

"Riku, mom is busy again today with dad. So, both of us will be sent to the soba shop you go to before." Riku figure out it was like that. Their parents are overprotective even if their age is ten in actuality.

Riku can't figure out how he suppose to prevent the future even from happening like it supposed to. The day Tenn will be adopted is when they're thirteen years old. The key of that event is Ogami Banri.

"Riku?" Tenn opens the door and saw how Riku's room is not tidy but full of unwanted trash.

Riku smiled awkwardly when he sees his brother. How can he blackout just like that when he supposes to clean his room from his brother?!

This is all because of how he supposes to think of the future event and how to prevent it from happening. Even if the current even has changed like he wanted it to but it's not supposed to be like this.

"Riku, are you okay?" Tenn asks when he sees Riku blank moment. Riku, smile and hug his brother.

Trying to tell him that he is okay so there's no need for Tenn to be so overprotective. Tenn flinches when he's in this awkward moment.

"A..." Again, Riku voice is nowhere to be found. It's not like it was nothing, to begin with. It means everything to him so he can't just let it go.

Tenn saw this coming and pull Riku out of his bed. He brings Riku towards his own room and glomp over Riku warm body. He has this sudden urge to not let his brother go at any cost.


Tenn wide his eyes. He wonders around his room until he saw Riku's worried face. "No need to worry," Tenn calms his twin younger brother down.

Tenn looks at Riku's red hair. It reminds him so much of the past. Eh, the past? Tenn tilts his head in wonder. What does he suppose to mean by the past when now is the present? Even if it was the past there's nothing to be worried off.

"Tenn-nii, are you okay?"

Tenn blinks when he saw the note his brother shove in front of his visions. That voice of his brother calling him "Tenn-nii" sound so wrong. It likes shouting.

But now his brother is in front of him. He needs to act like it was nothing or his brother will surely angry and babbling at him for an hour. Sometimes, being babbling at is not that bad. He can see his brother cute look when he angry.

"Tenn-nii, I have this urge to call you a pervert you know?"

Tenn blinks again and laugh. "Riku, you're so mean!" Tenn mimics the voice of an actor in one of Riku's favourite shows.

Riku gives Tenn and annoyed face and goes out of the room. Somehow, the change of event a few days ago bring a doom towards his privacy now.



Turn his head, Tenn sees someone around his age with silver hair. He didn't know why but he has this urge to never let his brother go with this boy. A promise is a promise, he can't go back now.

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