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I reach my next destination at a record slow pace. Each step had caused an unwarranted amount of nausea to coarse through my body, making me a now sweaty mess. I'm positive I have large pit stains under my arms. I hope I don't stink... oh god, I can't even remember the last time I took a shower. Luckily, I remember applying deodorant, so at least I will smell somewhat okay for the person behind this door.

It's a familiar bright pink and I instantly recognize who will be behind it. This won't be so hard. I'm okay-ish when it comes to children. Also, Aggie seemed to somewhat like me the other times I've encountered, but children can be unpredictable. I babysat once or twice while in high school, so maybe I can take some things from those kids and apply it to this one.

Although, those children weren't gods and couldn't throw knives with their minds.

I'm just gonna hope she's already had her lunch.

I put my hand on what I realize to be a very sticky handle and twist till it opens. The pink door creaks slightly ajar then immediately halts; being stopped from something on the inside. At first, I think that it might have hit into a table or chair but a light voice from the other side tells me I'm wrong. I don't think inanimate objects can speak.

"Oh, glory." It says in a frail voice, and my body loses its tension as I know this voice all too well.

It's Gilah. At least I think it is, her voice sounds weird; almost raspy. Can gods get the common cold?

I squeeze through the opening and find her bent over on the ground, struggling to get back to her feet. She's wearing a purple Victorian dress, one that seems more casual then what she usually wears. She honestly doesn't look much different than the last time I saw her but something is... strange.

I hurry to her side and gently help her to an upright position and right away I know what is peculiar.

Her once clear skin has now turned wrinkled and sags off of her bones. The hair that sits on her head has changed from a strawberry blonde to a mousey grey. All of her body is frail and splotched with marks that only appear for one reason; old age.

"Gilah?" I question, not sure if my first assumption had been correct.

"Oh, Avi!" She explains. "I wasn't expecting to see you out of your room. I just got done getting Aggie food, then I was going to come bring you some lunch."

"Uh, yeah. I decided to go for a little walk and I came across here. I didn't expect the door to open and knock you down. Sorry about that."

"You're perfectly fine, honey. I shouldn't have been standing so close anyways." She says, then looks away. A thoughtful smile on her face. "I suppose I was too busy busting my fantastic moves to realize that I could potential bust a hip."

Her giggle bubbles into a full-on laugh. It fills the room and I can't help but join in with her. Not only is her laughter extremely contagious, it also makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. The only word I can use to describe it is pure joy.

"Can't have me losing my teeth..." she tells me, clutching her stomach. "Again." She adds after a dramatic pause.

We both launch into another fit of laughter, barely registering that the "jokes" she's telling are nowhere near as funny as we think.

"Falling would have put a real wrinkle in my day. The whole "I've fallen and I can't get up" gig is really getting old."

"Yeah... yeah." I say while trying to catch my breath. "I should've knocked super loud so you could have heard me."

The Girl Who Stopped TimeWhere stories live. Discover now