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There is a very big difference between a nova and a supernova. Even though both largely explode into the space around them, only one actually destroys itself. A nova for instance is a star that sheds its outer shell by exploding, while a supernova ends its life through the same type of force. It's amazing how both are equally as damaging and terrifying yet only one brings death and the other something new.

Its intriguing how both a black hole and a bright shining star are both created in the same way. I thought it had to be some type of metaphor for the universe; that destruction and chaos could have more than one outcome besides death.

I could never come up with anything to compare it to until now in this moment. Azrail is the supernova, collapsing in on himself into a never-ending pull of maddening insanity. Creating a black hole much like the one spiraling behind him. He is chaotic and selfish, willing to sacrifice himself for only one outcome; death. Though after learning what he has been through, it's hard to blame him for being so close to detonation.

Atlas is the Nova. Equally as dangerous but not in the face of implosion. He has so many layers and each time I have unraveled even one it had literally -mostly figuratively- blown up in my face. He may not hurt himself each time he sheds a piece of his thick outer shell, but when has there ever been zero casualties when it comes to explosions.

Maybe I've swapped them?

Either way -supernova or nova- nobody ever gets out unscathed.

I'm not sure if I'm ready nor willing to hurt the people around me just so I can survive. If I really do this then I'll be my very own Nova. I had always wondered what it was like to be a bright shining star in space... but not in this way.

Azrail's fingers barely brush against the objects before I pull them back rapidly and shove them into my pockets again. He hisses sharply at me and raises his shoulders in a tense position. Air rushes out through his nose and he whips his head towards his brother.

"Look what you did!" he screams at him. "You made her doubt me." he turns back to me and his jaw sets in determination. His body language transforms and he seems taller in front of me. Somehow, he's turned back into the man I first met in my room not too long ago. Confident, focused and scarier than before. Though his face looks calm, there's a hidden fire behind his eyes.

"Avianna, please." He coaxes, his voice kinder than I've ever heard anyone speak. "Can't you understand how I feel? Atlas stole everything from me just like he did you."

My eyes glance towards where the other siblings are cowering on the stairs. A puddle of red liquid catches my attention as it drips from the bottom step to the floor.

"You've hurt your own family." I gasp out, my breath caught in my throat from the amount of blood that sits on the floor.

"Which will be remedied. They are just collateral damage when compared to the real problem." He shakes his head slowly and nods towards his brother who I now realize has slowly made his way closer to us.

"I think your gods are just as much -if not more- at fault then Atlas is." I find myself defending. "Oscar didn't deserve the death that he had but Atlas was only following orders. He didn't understand love or the possibility of it because he was never even allowed to leave. He never saw the mortal realm like most of your siblings have. It doesn't excuse his lack of sympathy but he didn't know what he was destroying."

I suppose it really is worse to not have something in the first place, rather than lose it after having it all along.

Atlas grabs onto my wrist harshly and pulls me towards him, which I resist as best I can. "Do you really think this is all about me? If he succeeds in this, he will be challenging the gods, and I won't be able to stop him. The mortal world will be subjected to chaos. He may have promised you a path home but it will be in ruin if you return."

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