Star Dust

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The stars above us glimmer brightly, echoing their light back to us in small thunderous bursts. They listen with open ears to our conversations, chuckling at the words that leave our mouths. It's almost as if they mock us. Watching over us with clear intention yet only ever listening, never speaking back.

My laughter bounces off the tiled walls and returns to me. It's so loud that it reminds me to be more reverent and I quickly cover my lips with my palm; holding in another fit of contagious bubbles.

"That cannot be true." I deny further, clutching my stomach.

"It is." Atlas replies, trying to keep his own laughter at bay. "That was the very first thing he did."

"So, you're saying that when you were all created the first thing Oleander did was flirt with his sister?"

"Yep," he says, popping the p. "and the worst part about it was that it had to of been Ira."

"Oh no." I laugh though I'm slightly horrified.

"Oh yes. If it weren't for the gods stepping in Olly most likely would have been turned to ash."

We join together in one last boisterous laugh before quieting down. I'm not really sure how we got onto the topic of Oleanders slight scratch of incest but I'm kind of glad that we did. I needed to put my mind on something light hearted. The real funny thing is that we weren't even supposed to be talking -just looking at the stars- but some ten minutes into our gazing Atlas couldn't take the silence anymore and started to tell me stories. I tried to ignore him at first but they slowly got more and more entertaining. He is a great story teller. One thing led to another and now here we are giggling and conversing like children.

It's nice not talking about the heavy stuff for once. Just forgetting -if only for a little bit- can be a great tender mercy. From what I've learned in my short life, tender mercies are rare but vital. Without them the world would forget the good. I'm glad I haven't forgotten the good.

"I think I have you figured out." I state.

"Have you now? Well Ms. Garrett please go on."

I wince at him calling me Ms. Garrett, I'm sure he's called me it before but this time it sounds a lot like Mr. Mathews; that's what he would call me.

"Let's just stick with Avianna, or Avi or-"


"I do have you figured out." I say ignoring him. "You are so much easier than I made you out to be in my head."

"So, I'm easy now?"

"No, not exactly and it isn't just you. It's all of your siblings. The entire time I've been here I've thought of you all as a mystery that I had to solve when really the answer was right in front of me. I learned a lot today... probably more than I have the entire time I've been here and that's saying a lot. You all are so complex and deep. You have emotions just like anyone else and hide them just as well too. You have thoughts and minds of your own, family problems, normal problems, hopes, dreams, aspirations, fears, needs-"

"What are you trying to say, Avianna?" he cuts me off. Somewhere in between my soliloquy his demeanor changed; he's cautious.

"I'm trying to say that you're just like me... almost human."

His eye's narrow in on me and for a second I think he might lash out but his lips turn up and he begins to laugh. It's light and short, nothing too outrageous.

He stops laughing and gives me a heart stopping smile, probably the realest one I've seen his face contort. Eyes have always been my favorite quality in people but after seeing this? I think my mind has been changed.

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