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In my early days- before I was fully integrated into the wonderful findings of astrology- I had planned on going into string theory. I thought it might make my parents proud of me, that or at least notice me... they didn't but a girl can try.

String theory is a very difficult subject to grasp. I'm pretty sure I chucked a few perfectly boring science books across the room.

From what I could understand, there are four known dimensions in our world; gravitation, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force. I could go into extreme detail on each of those subjects but in the end, it wouldn't add up to making much sense. String theory is the idea that there are dimensions beyond those four frameworks, things beyond what we can see.

Einstein was the one who had first sought out a unified field. Something that explains the mechanics of the universe in a single model. Basically, meaning he wanted to find a dimension that explained all four known dimensions in one singular model. That is -in theory- strings.

Basically, string theory is a theory of quantum gravity. Which I could get into but I'm already bored just thinking about it.

It's very hard to define and even harder to understand. I thought I might never get it, until the day I first stepped into Mr. Mathews class. I unfortunately couldn't take his class until the middle of my sophomore year so I went through a lot of suffering until then. The first day of class he told me that when you look at the night sky you shouldn't always focus on what you see but also what you don't. For example, a bright shining star could be long dead though we can still see it glowing.

String theory is the same way. It's looking past what you can see and finding the things that you don't. After I figured this out, I gave up on the subject almost instantly and delved into astrology head on.

When I left the study behind, I truly believed I would never ever think about it again. Then I came here and right now it's all I can think about but only in the sense of looking beyond what I can see. My mind is wandering back to Azrail and everything that's happened since he first appeared in my room. At first when seeing him he seemed so laid back but now I'm starting to realize that that was him in his weakest state. Each time that we conversed he seemed to become stronger and more malicious.

At first, I believed it was because I was completing the tasks but then I recalled something that Atlas had said not long ago. The day we had blamed Oleander for his brother's sudden arrival, Atlas said that the only way Azrail could have had enough energy to attack me was if one of his siblings was transferring power to him. At the time it was easy to blames Olly but now I'm not so sure. After getting to know him better I honestly don't believe he would have done it. Olly is a nice kid when he wants to be but he's also very self-absorbed. He does things that are only for his amusement and pleasure. I don't think helping his long-lost brother would even cross his mind unless Azrail had something truly incredible to offer.

There is something that I'm missing and I can't quite put my finger on it. I can't tell whether it's with the fact that I don't know where Azrail is getting his power from or if there really is just something that I am missing. I'm trying really hard to look past what I can see but just like string theory, I can't figure it out.

Atlas leads me to the large wooden door that stands as an entrance and exit to the observatory. The room seems to shake in slow motion as we stagger towards the danger. For a moment I panic because I think my task with Atlas isn't complete yet but then I remember what his brother had told me.

"You'll know."

This must be what he meant.

Atlas begins to push the door open but I stop him by placing my hand over his that holds the looped handle. I look up and our gazes meet, a silent unknown message passing between us. His lips turn up in a reassuring smile and he squeezes my other hand. I slip both my hands away from him and lift them up to cup his face. I bring his head down towards me and press my lips to his temple. Letting them linger there a little longer then needed but I don't think he minds. When I pull back, he looks at me in confusion or maybe its concern I can't really tell.

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