My Floof Buddy

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I sat on the couch playing video games with Badgerclops. Mao Mao's covered in bandages and he's resting in the bedroom. I was still worried about him, but Badgerclops drifted me away from thinking about him for a while now. Yep, that's my Floof Buddy! You might be wondering "Adorabat, why does 'Floof Buddy' have capital letters?" Well fear not because I'll tell you everything you need to know!

Badgerclops is a REALLY floofy guy-that's definitely a word. I looked it up on Roogle, so there's your evidence! Basically, the word is a combination of fluffy and poofy. Badgerclops is BOTH of those things! Whether I'm having a fantastic day, a terrible day, or sometimes just a "meh" day, I like to do one or more of these things: Draw, take a walk, try to rebuild the mega-mech, or snuggle with Badgerclops! Don't tell anyone, but I think he's floofier than Mao Mao. Here's an example of what happens when I snuggle with Badgerclops.

"Badgerclops," I asked nervously as I walked up to the couch, "Can I cuddle with you today? I'm in a really bad mood." He smiled the same smile that I always loved.

"You know I can never say no to you little dude," Badgerclops approved. I giggled and blushed in joy as I hopped onto his floofy stomach. I nuzzled deeply into his white and brown fur. I felt Badgerclops lay down on the couch. "So, do you wanna tell me what happened today?"

"Um. . . ." I turned on my back and looked up at the ceiling. "At skewl today, I was struggling with this math problem and I asked the teacher for help." I stayed silent for a moment.

"Go on," Badgerclops prodded me.

"After the teacher explained it, I understood what it was, but Chubbums pushed my buttons and told me that I was dumb."

He gasped dramatically. "Seriously?! That's the frog one that called me Shoverclops! I'll never forget that."

"I'm sure you won't," I doubted. "Anyways, I didn't let it bother me that much since I know that I'm smart." I threw my wings up as I declared the next sentence. "I fight monsters all the time with you guys!" 

"True, true."

I turned over to my side and played with the bits of loose fur I found on Badgerclops. "During recess though, people started calling me names like 'Adoradumb' or 'Dummybat' or. . ." I paused to shove all my anger down. All of a sudden, I feel a huge arm wrap around my body. I looked up to see a worried Badgerclops. I can take care of myself though, he could care less! 

"Adorabat you can always talk to-"

"No! Badgerclops I'm suppose to be handling these tiny things by myself!" I interrupted. I pushed his giant, furry arm off and I jumped off his stomach. Don't get me wrong, Badgerclops is the nicest guy I know, but I can't be treated like a baby anymore! "People always tell me to 'grow up' or 'you act just like your age sometimes,' and they're right! I can't keep snuggling with you Badgerclops, I need to grow UP!" I screamed that last word at the top of my lungs. I felt a lump in my throat. It wasn't the sad kind of lump, it was the angry one. I saw Badgerclops sit up and pick me up with his robotic arm.

"Adorabat . . . you can be 20 years old and STILL squeeze the heck out of me," he explained. "Mao Mao's a little older than that and sometimes even HE rests on my stomach." I tilted my head as I found that hard to believe. Badgerclops nodded. "It's not that simple to go through things alone Adorabat. Which is EXACTLY why I'm here."

He sat me on top of his head and that's when I realized something that I would remember for my whole life. You're not alone, even if it feels like you are. There are people all around you that you can talk to. "I'm sorry for getting all riled up Badgerclops," I apologized. 

"It's ok dude, I get like that all the time."

I leaped off of his head and bounced onto his tummy again. I heard him laugh a little, so I laughed. A few minutes later, I told Badgerclops I wanted to sleep. Without saying anything, he grabbed a blanket that was on the couch and put it over me. To make it look like I was being protected, he got two pillows and put one on each side of me. Suddenly, a lightbulb went on in my head. He's gonna love this idea!

"BADGERCLOPS! You're gonna be my Floof Buddy!" I piped, my voice sounding very squeaky.

He looked a little puzzled. "Floof . . . Buddy?" 

"YEAH," I babbled, "And tomorrow I'll make my own contract! You have to sign it so that it's official! Also, the first 'f' in floof and the 'b' in buddy are capital. Got it?"

Badgerclops grinned. "Got it."

Then I whispered, "Promise not to tell Mao Mao okay?"

He smirked while thinking about that. "I promise." Eventually, my eyes started to droop from tiredness. I buried my head into Badgerclops's fur and I went to sleep.

Furthermore, that's how he became my Floof Buddy! He signed a contract and I even made him vow the following words:

"I, Badgerclops, the Floofiest badger in the world, promises to always support Adorabat with the utmost respect and will always give her lots of snuggles. I will always share my snacks with her."

Just so you know, he struggled to say the last part.

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