Just a Worthless Brat

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Ok I change my mind: Occasionally some of the chapters that I make will be changed to Mao Mao's or Badgerclops's point of view. Then a short while after, it goes back to Adorabat.

It was another peaceful day in Pure Heart Valley. Mao Mao, Badgerclops, and I were patrolling around the Plaza, making sure there weren't any trouble makers. We were always on the lookout for Sweetiepies like Slim Pigguns or Pinky. The King describes them as "disgusting little roaches that need to be flushed down a filthy toilet with other little roaches." I didn't know what that meant, but to sum it up, Mao told me they were bastards. 

While we were walking around, we heard two Sweetiepies bickering about who knows what. Mao Mao and Badgerclops went over to check out the scene. I was about to follow them when all of a sudden, I smelled something so yummy my nose couldn't resist. I flew towards the smell until I came to a bush. I identified the smell to be DELICIOUS BUGS! My most favorite snack in the whole universe! 

I slowly approached the bush only to hear a rustling sound. Before I decided to back away, something jumped out at me, making me hit my head hard on the ground! I groaned in pain as my vision doubled and my head throbbed. I felt myself being picked up by large and furry hands. I was dropped into a dark place that seemed like a bag—wait a bag?!

I screamed for help as I kicked the bag multiple times, but I knew no one could hear me. I also realized that Ratarang was the one that jumped out of the bush. That means the Sky Pirates are kidnapping me! I shivered in fear as I was being taken away by the nasty pirates. I hope Mao Mao and Badgerclops save me!

Mao Mao's POV:

Of course it's not Pinky or Slim arguing. It's Pinky AND Slim arguing! I did a facepalm and sighed heavily as Badgerclops and I observed the situation. "Alright you filthy idiots—I mean Slim and Pinky. What's the problem?" I grumbled.

Pinky hissed, "Slim took all of the stale donuts I found at the dumpster! He messed up the whole schedule and now I can't get rock-hard abs!"

I looked at Badgerclops who is clearly irritated. "Okay . . . Slim why did you take all of his stale donuts?" he asked.

"It's very unhealthy to be eating things like that!" I nodded, agreeing to what Slim was saying. I told Badgerclops the same thing but does he listen to me? No, he doesn't! "I ran over the doughnuts with my monster truck on purpose!" 


When they started to argue again, I realized that Adorabat didn't intervene whatsoever. Usually she would scream her high pitched screams while telling them to shut up or something. I looked around as Badgerclops separated them. "Hey Adorabat, where are you?" I shouted. "Pinky and Slim are fighting! It's your turn to pull their heads off." Where'd that kid wander off to? 

My eyes darted to the ground furthest to the left and I saw fur, but not just any kind of fur. I ran up to the piece of evidence and my eyes widened. I picked it up as my emotional standards changed rapidly. ORANGE fur! This can only mean one thing—something happened to Adorabat! I gritted my teeth as I crushed the fur with my fist.

"BADGERCLOPS! We have to go now!" Badgerclops looked at me as he was holding Pinky with his robotic arm and Slim with the other. 

"What's wrong dude?" He asked. When he dropped the two Sweetiepies, they made a squeaking sound.

I glanced at the orange fur in my hand and looked back at Badgerclops. "The Sky Pirates have Adorabat," I snarled.

"SAY WHAT?!" he shrieked. 

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