Revenge Time

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Mao Mao's POV:

So . . . you remember that time when Adorabat got . . . poisoned? That crusty Ratarang threw a yellow smoke bomb at her while I wasn't watching! Well I'm gonna get my SWEET revenge on him today! He's gonna pay for the heartless thing that he did to Adorabat. He's gonna suffer even more than she did.

"Hey dude, Adorabat and I are going to the store, so we're gonna be awhile. Wanna come?" Badgerclops asked. Perfect! With them gone they won't know what I'm planning!

"No thanks, I'm gonna train in the dojo," I lied. 

"Okay. Hey Adorabat! You wanna say bye to Mao Mao before we go?" My eyes widened in realization. Oh no, Adorabat's gonna-

"BYE MAO MAO!" she screeched and zoomed into me hard. I flew onto the couch and laughed loudly. Ouch, that girl's a hard hitter, I thought. She hugged me and I hugged her back, a wide smile on my face. I looked up at Badgerclops annoyingly and he snickered. 

He mouthed, "Father model!" 

"Shut it," I mouthed back. Adorabat let go of me from her death hug and I got up.

"See ya later!" she beamed as she and Badgerclops went to the aerocycle.

"Bye!" I heard the aerocycle blast off a second later and I rubbed my hands together venomously. Time to execute my plan. Unfortunately, since they took the aerocycle, I was gonna have to jump from tree to tree to find the Sky Pirates' crashed airship. That's no problem for me anyways. I ran outside and made sure Badgerclops and Adorabat were out of sight so I could go to the ship.

Once I made it there, I went into stealth mode to track down Ratarang. At this time, the Sky Pirates would be doing their own thing. How do I know this you ask? I stalk them every now and then. What? It's not creepy, it comes in handy to know what your enemies are doing at any time. Ratarang would be in the kitchen getting a snack right now, so that's where I'm heading.

I hid under their kitchen table as I watched him opening the fridge. "Daw really?! Metal again?! Orangusnake really needs to get groceries some time later," he thought out loud. Well he's not wrong. Anyways, I sneak up behind him on all fours. My bright green eyes shone and I took out my katana and knocked him out.

Haha yes! Phase One of my ultimate plan is complete! Now for Phase Two: bringing him back to HQ to interrogate him. I started sneaking out of the Sky Pirates' base with Ratarang in my arm. All of a sudden, I hear Orangusnake by the entrance of the base and I hid behind a wall. 

"Ratarang where are you? Did you forget we were playing hide and seek again?" he shouted. I stifled a laugh hearing that. Pfft, hide and seek?! They really ARE babies! I waited until Orangusnake moved away and I got out of the base. I managed to get back to HQ safe and sound. Now it's time for Phase Three: Interrogation!

I carried Ratarang to this super dark room that we never really used. Well it's about to be used now!


"Ow . . . my head . . . w-what the?! What's with all these ropes?! Where am I?! Why is it so dark?" Ratarang trembled. There's my cue! I chuckled evily as I approached the roach. "GAH! What's with dem green eyes?! W-wait a minute!" 

I held a glowing flashlight to his small face. "Hello Ratarang. Do you have any crimes you want to confess?" I said in a sinister voice.

"Crimes? What crimes? I don't know any-" I threw a hard punch at his face. "OKAY OKAY I ADMIT IT! I ACCIDENTALLY WENT INTO ORANGUSNAKE'S ROOM WHILE HE WAS SEPARATED!" he screamed. My face went from confusion to disgust in a matter of seconds.

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