Mao Mao's Special Day

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This was requested by candycaneheart7! Hope you enjoy it!

Badgerclops's POV:

Well today's the day—Mao Mao Mao's Birthday! I had this great idea in my head for the whole last week. This'll be a surprise party and every citizen of Pure Heart is coming! The party's gonna be in the dojo and the living room, so there's gonna be enough space for everyone. I just have to find a way to get Mao out of the house so we can get it ready for the party. It has to be perfect just for my best bud!

I went to Snugglemagne's castle. I found him demanding Quinton for loads of things, but that's none of my business. As Quinton ran to a room, I walked up to Snugglemagne. "And don't forget the tea has to be PERFECT! 3 sugars EXACTLY!" he notified Quinton.

"Uh Snugglemagne," I started, "I need you to do a favor for me. Can I bring Mao Mao to the castle to hang out with you? It's his birthday today and we're doing a surprise party."

"Why of course! Anything for the sheriff, especially on his birthday!" he agreed.

"Great! Just hang with him until . . . ." I paused to look at the time on my robotic arm. 2 PM. "Until 4:00. Got it?"

"Indeed! Bring him here now!" he demanded. 

"Sheesh okay!" I went back to the HQ to get Mao Mao. I told him that Snugglemagne wanted to hang out with him and he obviously said yes. Now that he was gone, Adorabat and I only have two hours to get the house ready! 

"Okay Adorabat, go get the box of decorations I've been saving for today," I told her.

"Okie dokie!" she squeaked. She flew to the garage and a few seconds later came out with a box full of them. "What decorations have you been saving for Mao Mao's birthday?" 

"You'll see!" I dug my hands in the box and pulled out black and red swirls that'll go on the ceiling. I took out a roll of tape and tossed it to Adorabat. 

"That'll look awesome!" she remarked.

"Yup!" I also took out deflated helium balloons which were the colors of his katana. "That's enough to cover the whole ceiling with!"

"Are we gonna have to blow them up?"

"Nope, which is why we have a helium tank! If we tried to blow them up with our own air, they wouldn't float to the ceiling," I explained.

"Oh! I-I knew that!" Adorabat chuckled nervously.

"Alright we can't waste time. Let's decorate!" We went through a whole montage of blowing up balloons and hanging up the swirls. We even messed around with the helium a bit, so that was pretty hilarious. When we were done, I checked the time on my robotic arm. It's 3 right now, so we only have one hour left to get everything ready.

Can you guess what Mao Mao Mao's birthday cake's gonna be? It's gonna be . . . COBBLER! That was pretty obvious right..? Or did you guess something else? Eh, doesn't matter. That was a pretty easy question, not gonna lie.

BUT would you believe me if I said there was such a thing as snickerdoodle cobbler?! Yup, that's a real thing and I'm making it! With my tiny assistant of course. We step into the kitchen and I grab all the ingredients we need: ingredients for cake batter, brown sugar, cinnamon, salt, and 1 3/4 cups of hot water! First, we made the cake batter.

While we were mixing it, Adorabat got some batter on her cheek. I put the mixer down and wiped the batter off her cheek with my thumb. "The batter's definitely ready!" I exclaimed as I put my thumb in my mouth. We both giggled. 

I shaped the dough into a medium-sized cylinder and sprinkled some brown sugar and salt on top of it. "Wanna help me mix it Adorabat?" She gasped happily.

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