I Can Take Care of Myself

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This is the LONGEST chapter I've ever done so far (about 2,200 words). This is another sad chapter, but don't worry the next few chapters won't make you cry (like I almost did while typing this one)!

Another successful battle against the Sky Pirates! Mao Mao parked the aerocycle into the garage and we all got off. Like he says, these fights are too easy! The Sky Pirates are SO gullible and all I have to do is throw a smoke bomb and they go bye bye! "That battle wasn't hard at all!" I remarked.

Mao Mao chuckled as we walked to the living room. "You got that right! Orangustank can never beat me, even as two people!" Badgerclops stretched his back out and yawned.

"Sometimes I feel bad for them you know? I shoot one net at them and they can't even get out of it!" he gloated.

Mao Mao added, "I know right? They're all a bunch of idiots." Suddenly, I feel a little sore in my wings and my vision goes blurry for a second. It's probably because I flew a lot in that battle and I got myself tired. "Badgerclops can you start making dinner? It's getting late."

"Sure thing," he agreed. Badgerclops went to the kitchen to start preparing dinner. I'm gonna go do something. Something is a good word to use when you just wanna . . . DO stuff.

"I'm going to the bedroom to draw," I told Mao Mao. 

He nodded as he sat down on the couch. I started to fly to the room, but every time I flapped my wings, I felt a pinch through my whole body. I didn't think of it that much since I was going to my bed anyways. My sketchbook and my pencil were already laying on the sheets, so I sat down on my bed and started to draw. Every now and then my vision would get blurry and I would feel really dizzy. 

Now I'm starting to worry. Did something happen while I fought the Sky Pirates? I tried to think about what happened as I was fighting Ramaraffe. Ratarang DID throw some sort of smoke bomb at me that had yellow smoke in it. Maybe the yellow smoke was suppose to harm me in some way? I started sweating and shaking a lot. "I'll just wait until I feel better! Yeah, that's it! Besides, I don't want Mao Mao and Badgerclops to be worried about me," I thought out loud. 

I got tired from drawing, but it hasn't even been that long! I decided to go to the kitchen to get myself a bottle of water. I jumped out of my bed when all of a sudden, I felt a deep and sharp pain in both of my wings. I fell to the ground and whimpered. "Guess it's walking for now," I whispered solemnly to myself. I walked all the way to the kitchen and saw Badgerclops preparing dinner. Badgerclops noticed me coming in.

"Whatcha need little dude?" he questioned.

"Just getting water," I answered. 


I leaped up to the handle of the fridge and I struggled to pry it open. My wings started to hurt again. "Owie!" I yelped as I let go of the handle.

"You okay Adorabat? Is there something wrong with your wings?" Badgerclops hinted.

Oh no! I thought. He's gonna find out I just know it! A light bulb turned on in my head. I got it! "I guess my wings are aching after fighting the Sky Pirates!" I lied. 

"Oh okay! Lemme get the water for you." Badgerclops opened the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. He twisted the cap open for me. 

"Thanks!" I grabbed the bottle and drank. 

"No problem! Let me know if you need anything else."

"Don't worry I'm fine!" I hate lying to my friends, but I have to. I don't want anyone, especially Mao Mao finding out what happened. I twisted the cap back on and felt pain again. I walked back to the bedroom. Out of nowhere, I go into a coughing fit and I cough into my wing. I looked at it and saw something super odd.

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