The Perfect Gift

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Today I could FINALLY relax after all the shenanigans that happened these past two weeks. There were no monsters today, I didn't have to harass any Sweetiepies, and I can just chill with my two most awesome friends! I was just finishing training with Mao Mao in the dojo. We sat on pillows as we drank juice. 

"So Adorabat," Mao Mao started, "The three of us are gonna have a picnic at a nice place I found outside of Pure Heart Valley."

My eyes glittered with excitement. "WHERE, WHERE?!" I squealed. 

"There's this grand cherry blossom tree we can eat under." His eyes moved to the ground and he blushed lightly. "I know how much you like cherry blossoms."

"You definitely deserve a hug!" I bubbled as I jumped on his chest and squeezed him. Mao Mao squeezed me back and I heard him chuckle. 

"Alright lets go. We don't wanna keep that Sassyclops waiting," he joked. Oh yeah, my Floof Buddy! I hope he doesn't eat all the food! Mao Mao and I went into the living room. Badgerclops was waiting impatiently on the couch with a picnic basket on his lap. 

"Ugh, what took you guys so long?" he mumbled. Mao Mao raised his eyebrow at him.

"What do you think? We were just finishing up training! It'd be nice if you could just wait for two seconds!" he growled. 

"Okay, okay, geez." Badgerclops stood up, holding the basket by the handle. "We're wasting valuable eating time. Let's go!" I hopped on his shoulder.

Mao Mao announced, "TO THE AEROCYCLE!" making Badgerclops flinch. 

"It's just a picnic dude! No need to yell . . ." We went down to the garage and jumped on the aerocycle.

"Alright, we're almost there," Mao Mao said, breaking the silence. My heart started beating rapidly as I was super excited to see the huge cherry blossom tree! I saw something pink and fluffy in the distance. Could it be?! Is this it?! 

I was absolutely right! When we got closer to the tree, I squealed. It sat on top of a tall hill and petals were flowing everywhere! Mao Mao parked the aerocycle near the tree and I got off immediately to gaze at it. "Whaaaaaa?" I exclaimed.

The cherry blossom tree seemed as tall as a building! It had colors like pink and magenta all over! There were lots of petals on the ground and the cool wind occasionally blew through the tree and my ears. I wondered if I would faint from happiness since I dropped myself on the grass. Suddenly, something soft draped over my head.

"Hey, what gives? I wanna see the tree!" I whined. I realized that it was the picnic blanket as Badgerclops took it off my head and giggled a little.

"Sorry lil' dude, I'm gonna put the blanket here." I flew out of the way and he lays it down on the bushy grass. He puts the picnic basket down and sits on the blanket. I join him with Mao Mao sitting next to me. Mao Mao sighs in complete relief.

"On a scale of one to ten Adorabat, how much do you like it here?" He asked.

Flapping my wings up and down, I screamed, "TEN TEN TEN!" He smiled at me, then looked at Badgerclops. 

"Did you pack everything in the basket?"

"Yup, I got everything: a baguette, three juices, a large cherry pie, brownies, and potato chips," Badgerclops explained. He pulled out the long baguette that can be split into several pieces for us to eat. He broke it into three pieces and gave one to Mao Mao and I. The piece was still long for me, so it dragged on the blanket. I dug my sharp teeth into the sandwich and it was HEAVEN! It was so mushy and tasty!

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