Skewl Life

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I woke up to the sound of an alarm. My eyes widen in realization. UGH! I forgot I have skewl today! I was really looking forward to draw a picture for Badgerclops and Mao Mao! Oh well, skewl comes first I guess. After I brushed my teeth, I went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

Mao Mao was sitting on the chair closest to my right while reading the daily news. Badgerclops sat in the middle and started devouring an omelet he made. I poured a bowl of cereal and slumped on the chair to my left. I sighed heavily as I stirred my cereal around in the bowl. Mao Mao stuck his head out of the newspaper to look at me.

"You feeling okay Adorabat?" He asked. 

"I just don't wanna go to skewl today!" I complained. "I know we get snacks two times in a row, but somedays it's just boring! I'm even the monitor at the skewl and I deal with the same thing- crybabies!"

Badgerclops chimed in with his mouth full. "Well actually you're a cr-"

For some reason, Mao Mao covered his mouth and gave him his signature death glare. He turned his head to me. "Ignore him." I nodded while giggling a little. Skewl was still on my mind though. "Well Adorabat, maybe today will be different for you. Who knows?"

"Pfft, yeah right," I doubted. The only thing that'll be different is how many times Kevin pulls the fire alarm. I ate my cereal and saw that it was time to go. "Mao Mao can you take me to skewl?" I asked hesitantly. I didn't normally ask him that since I just flew to skewl myself, but I thought maybe a monster will start attacking the school and I can watch him defeat it! That would REALLY make my day!

"Uh sure! You want Badgerclops to come as well?"

"No, he's gonna see Chubbums and blast him with a laser. . . ."

"Oh yeah that's right. He's a big baby isn't he?" he snickered. Badgerclops gave us an annoyed look.

"Stop talking to each other like I'm not here! And I'm not a baby Mao Mao!" he argued.

"Well maybe if you'd stopped whining about not wanting to do the dishes you wouldn't be the baby you are today," Mao Mao nagged him. 

"Whatever man, just go!" Mao Mao smirked at Badgerclops and lead me to the aerocycle. I really hope a monster shows up! Suddenly, it took off and we headed for the stupid skewl!

When we got there, the other kids were already inside. That's strange . . . usually I'm the first one here. Maybe all the kid Sweetiepies got up earlier or something! Anyways, I got off the aerocycle. "Bye Mao Mao!" I chirped.

"See you later Adorabat. Try not to murder anyone okay?" He got off of the aerocycle and kissed me on the head. His emerald eyes reflected at me. "I love you," he proclaimed. I beamed when I heard him say those words.

"I love you too!" I turned around and headed for the door of the skewl. I heard the sound of the aerocycle blasting away as I went inside. Hold on a second! I completely forgot that I wanted a monster to appear! It doesn't matter now that I'm here, though. 

Inside the room, the Sweetiepies were doing different things. Some of them were chatting, some were playing, and some were . . . staring up at the ceiling. Actually that part's not weird. 

The teacher was at his desk, looking at a bunch of papers. He looked up and spotted me. "Good morning Adorabat!" he greeted me.

"Hello!" I greeted him back with forced happiness. I like my teacher, but he tortures me by giving me homework EVERY SINGLE DAY! On the weekends I have to read for 10 minutes! I can't even sit STILL for 10 minutes! I walk to my fellow Sweetiepie "friends" and sit next to Kevin. When he saw me sit down, he started sweating.

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