A Lightning Fast Villain

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Request by Chickgloss16! I had fun thinking of the villain, so thanks for that! Anyways, enjoy!

Adorabat's POV:

Another great day at Pure Heart Valley! The sky is clear with not a single cloud in them, the Sweetiepies are breaking the laws, and I get to scream at them! PERFECT! Mao Mao and Badgerclops were taking care of a huge problem with Farmer Bun and a few other Sweetiepies while I tried to stop a running Slim Piggins. He jumped onto the aerocycle and it accidentally turned on!

"You'll never take me alive!" he cackled as he blasted off in awkward directions. It crashed into a Sweetiepies' building.

"Ugh! Am I the only sensible child here?!" I hollered angrily. Mao Mao must've heard me yelling since he ran up to me.

"What happened Adorabat? And where's the aerocycle?!" I sighed and shook my head, disappointed.

"Slim took the aerocycle and it went into the Sweetiepies' apartment." I pointed to the building.

"Oh great. Come on, let's go take care of that other mess," Mao Mao grumbled.

We made it to the inside of the building to see the aerocycle crashed through the second floor and buried into the ground. Slim was next to it, knocked out. The Sweetiepie, Ketchup, was standing in the corner, looking shocked. "Don't worry Ketchup!" I chirped. "We'll take care of this!"

"Uh but just so you know," Mao Mao notified, "I'm not paying for the damage. You're on your own." 

Mao Mao's POV:

Just as we were about to pull the aerocycle out, a blur swept by us and the gem cell was gone! That was the only thing that powered the aerocycle! I thought it was one of the Sky Pirates, but I'm pretty sure none of them exercise that much.  I heard a sinister chuckle that didn't sound like any of the Sky Pirates. I glanced at Adorabat standing on the floor to see her trembling a little. 

"Get behind me Adorabat." 

She nodded and went behind my leg. I unsheathed Geraldine and gripped it tightly, ready for what ever danger was ready to strike us. A tall figure appeared three feet away from us. It had a dark green cape wrapped around it that reached down to the middle of its back. I took a closer look and it appeared to be a cheetah.

The cheetah had a wooden mask on its face, but it wasn't covering its muzzle. One of its eyes were blue, but the other one was a strange looking yellow that had a swirly pattern on it. The cheetah also had a silver sword on its back and long, loose, light green pants. It did not have any armor on besides the wooden mask, which brought curiosity inside me. The cheetah spoke in a slightly deep voice.

"Hello Mao Mao. Adorabat."

"How do you know our names? What brings you here?" I asked seriously. 

"You don't need to know any of that. What makes you so special anyways sheriff? Your sword? This village? Your best friend and your child?" I blushed deeply in anger and embarrassment.

"S-she's not my child! She's a deputy that works with me!"

"Oh yes, my apologies. Anyways, it pains me to do this, but . . . ." In the blink of an eye, he kicked me on the side with incredible force, stunning me and sending me against a wall. My ears rang, but I could hear a muffled voice of Adorabat's screaming my name. The cheetah zoomed off with her in his one arm. The ringing sound lowered a little.

"A-Adorabat! Not her you bastard!" I stammered as I stood up shakily, using the hilt of my katana. Whatever that cheetah's name was, he was gonna pay so bad for taking Adorabat! I remembered that he took the gem cell with him. It may not be true, but I think he went to the Sky Pirates' non-flying ship, I thought.

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