Chapter Thirty-One

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I wake up to someone gently shaking my shoulder. I let my eyes flutter as they adjust to the bright artificial light of the room. Alex sits back next to me and watches me get up.

"Hey, if you want to draw today, you should get up, it's almost seven," he whispers.

"Alright, give me fifteen minutes to wake up and get ready," I push myself up and rub my eyes. He nods and rolls off the bed.

"Did you sleep alright? You were tossing and turning a lot," he asks as he tugs his shirt off, keeping his back to me.

"I guess, I don't remember not sleeping well so..."

I lose my train of thought when I see the muscles in his back. He doesn't seem muscular at first glance but god... When you get close, and he moves or takes off his shirt... You can see every strong, swoon-worthy muscle at work.

I release a shuttering breath and turn around quickly.

"I think... Umm... I'm just going to shower," I trip over the bed on my way.

"Jules!" He calls out, "Don't you need clothes for that?"

I'm an idiot. I fake a smile as I walk back over to him and dig in my bag. He stands over me, I can feel the heat radiating off him.

I stand up and turn too quickly, running into him, my face comes with an inch of his chest. We both freeze. My throat gets dry as I search for something to say.

He forces a chuckle, stiff and awkward, "Sorry... I'll just, you know, get out of your way," He steps to the side quickly.

Without a second thought I make my way to the bathroom. I bite my lip and feel my legs turn to jelly. I keep telling myself to get over him, then he goes and does something like that.

My mind goes back to waking up in his arms. I shudder at the thought, I hate admitting I want to be that close again. Cold shower. That will help. I hope.

I shiver in the cold room, carefully removing my clothes, feeling what little heat they provide slip away. I'm already able to tell that this will suck. The water makes me jump, I hate the cold. While it most certainly wakes me up, I'm still thinking about Alex being shirtless out there. I am the epitome of pathetic right now.

Deciding my dumb hormones aren't worth hypothermia, I turn up the heat and quickly get clean. As I shut off the shower and wrap in my towel, I can hear Alex moving around in the next room. Is he still shirtless? Why do I care? I need serious therapy.

He's leaning against the door as I walk out, my clothes clinging to my wet skin. He's staring at the floor until he hears my footsteps, a weary smile forms on his face.

"How are you doing?" His voice is barely above a whisper.

I shrug, "I'm fine, I guess. Maybe try asking again after breakfast."

His smile grows, I can see his canines. He nods slowly before picking up my bag.

"This all set?" I nod as he throws it over his shoulder, "I'm thinking we either leave tonight or first thing in the morning, any thoughts?"

"I don't really care, as long as I'm fed before getting stuck on a bus all day. Where are we going this time?"

He looks like something is on his mind, "I'm not really sure, there's a couple places I was thinking. I was going to spend most of today weighing options, probably have us leave in the morning."

I nod, not yet looking away from him, "Alex, is- is there something wrong?"

He just stands there, I can see him lightly nodding . He bites his lip as I watch him clench his fist to stop it's shaking.

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