Chapter 9 - Unexpected Visitor

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¡Chapter recap¡
The birds outside Yu Zhen's current domain were chirping happily with one another, and when Yu Zhen sat up completely he was shocked to see another figure in his room; a man no less, a man who he had no idea the identity of. The pair's eyes locked momentarily, however It was then that he panicked and quickly hid his face in the blankets all while covering his body, if he is caught by this person and found out to be actually a male – the emperor would surely have his head on a stake for the whole entire world to see all while saying, "if anyone else dares to try this on me, expect to face the same fate if not worse!" Yu Zhen shivered at the thought alone.

"Well hello there, Little Beauty~"

¡Chapter continue¡
Yu Zhen continued to desperately hide his body and face from behind his bed sheets, all in fear of being found out that he wasn't a female like what everyone else believed him to be, "my, my, shy are we? Well, it is to expected since you're in my presence after all, but don't worry – it's completely normal, and I'll try to offer you reassurance by saying you're not the first to feel this way" the sultry voice cooed to Yu Zhen, making him feel rather uncomfortable; his body shivering as the voice of the other male echoed in the lavish room he was to be residing in for the coming month.

Not only did Yu Zhen feel extremely uncomfortable and frightened since this strange man had sneaked into his room when he hadn't even noticed he had, in other words: when he was asleep. But Yu Zhen also felt like cringing due to the others constant talk about how great he was, and how other people had felt the same way as he is feeling right now – Is he being serious? Yu Zhen thought to himself as he grasped the bed sheets tighter, peeking out from behind them only so he could see the man and what he was doing.

It was then a thought struck Yu Zhen, wait just a second... he said I wasn't the 'first' to feel this way, insinuating that he has done this to other people – specifically women, before?? Yu Zhen exclaimed to himself, which would mean that this man in front of me... is a pervert out for pure and innocent women and possibly even men!

Yu Zhen who was still hiding behind his bed sheets blinked a few times under the realisation that had occurred, curling into a ball tighter than the one he already was in, "who are you, and what are you doing in my room uninvited!?" Yu Zhen questioned the intruder, glaring at the man who was sitting casually in the chair off to the side of the room; acting almost as if he owned he the room – he sure as hell does not own this room! Yu Zhen thought to himself. Of course he would never say this out loud, what if the person in front of him then got angry, and blinded by his emotions attempted to go through with taking advantage of him, then found out he was a male then told the entire kingdom... as well as Emperor Tai Xiang all in order to exact revenge on Yu Zhen. He would be killed by his own emperor for sure, if he hadn't already died from embarrassment... his manly imagine would be definitely ruined for the rest of his life!

So in an attempt to keep his head and chastity, Yu Zhen decided to keep his thoughts to himself, just to be sure.

"Well, now since you have asked, I guess I should tell the beautiful young lady in front of me, correct?" he asked with a hint of mystery behind his every words and slight movements – all while complimenting Yu Zhen's natural beauty, making said male all the more uncomfortable, especially since Yu Zhen is currently residing in the same room as the male in front of him; technically trapped because he can't run out without being discovered that he's a male. All Yu Zhen could do was look at the man suspiciously and nod his head, agreeing to what the person in front of him had said "only if you say please~" out of completely nowhere he suddenly said with a mischievously prolonged voice, making Yu Zhen's anger boil, "You're kidding, right? You have to be" Yu Zhen said in reply, with which the other quickly shook his head "I am certainly not kidding with you Cutie-Pie, not this time anyway" Yu Zhen cringed from being called 'Cutie-Pie', under the stress Yu Zhen was in, he tried to reply as calmly and politely as possible without losing his cool completely.

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