I'm So Sorry.

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(I will be replying to everyone's comments so don't hesitate to ask something! I implore you to as a matter of fact.)

I'd like to formally apologise for the lack of updates. I know, it's been months and I'm entirely ashamed.

I'm so sorry for leaving those of you who have been extremely excited for a new chapter for so long, to be honest I should have made this a long time ago; however I just didn't have it in me I'm afraid...

I was a coward.

I admit my faults which is why I'm posting this now.

From now on, I will not be publishing anymore chapters of The Empress To Be. It's come to my realisation that I've become ignorant.

Uploading a story I had no idea what direction it would be taking. In the moment when I first published this story, I was young (well, younger than I am now anyway) and I was blinded by my excitement of publishing stories for people to enjoy.

This caused me to act irrationally and publish a story I, myself, didn't even know what was going on really. I was just going with the flow and writing as I went. Nothing was planned from the beginning.

These past months that I've been inactive, I've grown a lot as a writer and have been improving myself bit-by-bit. I've been working tirelessly on a new story that I actually planned out! I'm a lot more confident with that story than The Empress To Be that's for sure, and I will confirm that my new story is a historical transmigration type BL.

I've taken my time and I've finally seen an improvement in what I'm doing, and for that I am happy because it means I'm able to portray stories at both a more relatable and or engaging level for my eager readers.

However! I will not be calling off The Empress To Be forever! I'm merely going to take a few steps back and go through a long phase of planning with the story - starting from the beginning - and fingers crossed it'll be better than the unplanned version. I'll be rewriting the entire story and I'm positive a few things will have changed in the story when the revamped version is ready for publishing, so be prepared for the inevitable!

I apologise again, I know how it feels to have a story you enjoy not upload for long periods time and for stories I've enjoyed to be canceled, however I'm afraid that this is necessary.

Thank you to everyone who has been supporting both me and this story so far! You're all amazing and I pray that you'll stick around with me a bit longer and ignore my tardiness. However, if you think of me as unforgivable and see no point in still following me (both me as a person and my account), then do what you feel is right by you. I have completely wronged you and I wouldn't be mad if some of you act out in anger toward me for wasting your time.

Don't forget me though, because I'll be back!

In conclusion, I'm terribly sorry I'm having to do this, I blame myself for believing in a fantasy that wasn't real.

I pray that everyone and all your family and friends are save during this time of crisis (COVID-19), stay indoors for as long as you're required and keep yourselves occupied! I pray that everyone's safety is guaranteed.

Thank you all so much for all the support you've given me, it's really encouraged me to become better, see you on the flip side!

Kindest Regards!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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