Chapter 10 - Yu Zhen's Secret Exposed!

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¡Chapter recap¡
"Of course, I was watching her closely from a distance, and I happen to see that she placed the remaining herbs in her right pocket! Check it if you don't believe me! Don't say I didn't tell you, however." Lai Jun yelled back, her accusation was all lies and Da Shun knew it, but convincing everyone else of this may be a lot more difficult.

And with that, Yu Zhen was now on being wrongly accused of something he had nothing to do with!

¡Chapter continue¡

The onlookers which consisted of everyone from inside of the Grand Hall, to which bore witness to multiple animals initiating an attack on them; who also watched as Yu Zhen lulled said animals into submission were all completely shocked.

In their heads were a collection of conflicted emotions, they were amazed and feeling urged to praise Yu Zhen for what he had done – however, with Lai Jun's accusation still fresh in the air, no one dared to take sides; especially if the side was Yu Zhen's. Who is currently the prime suspect in the issue with the animals, as well as their feed to which they had been informed that had been tampered with.

Yu Zhen felt as if he were the size of a mosquito – insignificant and unimportant, he despised being in the limelight as much as the next person, if not more so. Yu Zhen glanced around and to no surprise, everyone had their eyes on him and only him, Yu Zhen cringed for more reasons than one. He knew that the situation he was currently in was a grave one, and if not handled appropriately; Yu Zhen may just find his head severed from his shoulders to be displayed to the mass population of both the Xiu Kingdom and Ling Kingdom.

He was inwardly panicking, however he didn't let it show on the outside and so Yu Zhen's outward appearance remained calm and tranquil – producing a reasonably noble air about it.

"Is what you say true?" the thundering voice of Wei Zhang boomed aloud, resonating inside the minds of everyone who heard it. The sound shook Yu Zhen to his core, he flinched upon hearing it alone – the tone from which was used was enough for everyone to know that Wei Zhang was far from pleased.

Lai Jun turned her attention to Emperor Wei Zhang and immediately replied, her voice filled with certainty. "Yes, your highness! I only tell the truth!" Everyone momentarily turned their attention to the young girl, then to the emperor to which she was speaking to so enthusiastically.

Wei Zhang, in his head, mulled over the information the young girl had given him. He had a reasonably good impression on Yu Zhen when they had first met not even a few hours ago, which is why he wasn't immediately ordering his guards to kill the insolent individual on command; but no matter the good impression he may have had on Yu Zhen, with such compelling evidence to tell him the young 'maidens' kind demeanor was nothing but a lie, a ploy to deceive him – he could no longer hold onto that hope that it is merely a misunderstanding.

And just like that, the good impression Yu Zhen had made for himself unknowingly, had been quickly turned to ashes by the relentless fire known as Lai Jun, with great ease.

"Very well then, I presume that you won't mind if I conduct an inspection on your lady in waiting, Emperor Tai Xiang?" Wei Zhang looking indifferently to the other emperor in the room for he knew he wouldn't decline. Tai Xiang shook his head to the side slowly, "proceed as so" he said coldly, sending a bitterly cold breeze in Yu Zhen's direction which seemed to make him freeze in place – unable to move even an inch.

With a tilt of his head, Wei Zhang signaled for one of his right hand guards to inspect Yu Zhen's pockets for any trace of this herb. Yu Zhen was panicking but it was then that he realised he didn't need to, he had no recollection of placing any of such herb in his pocket, not unless...

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