Chapter 13 - Day Out With Royalty

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¡Chapter recap¡
A little ways away from the pair, the emperor gazed at the two with awe. Never had he ever seen such a dazzling smile on his younger brother's face before, it amazed him how easily Yu Zhen could get Tai Xue to smile.

Fascinating he smiled with a questioning glint in his eyes.
¡Chapter continue¡

Caught off guard, Yu Zhen's step faltered as Tai Xue roughly pulled on his hand to bring him outside to play. Managing to catch himself before his face connected with the ground, he turned to Tai Xue with an annoyed expression only to be met with the laughing faces of both Tai Xue and to no one's surprise, Da Shun.

"Honestly" Yu Zhen sighed out, patting down the kinks in his dress. "Crown prince, next time you wish to lead a young lady somewhere, make sure she is aware of what you're going to do; also, do go slowly so she doesn't fall over her feet. For how you've behaved just now is the opposite of being a gentleman, understand?" Yu Zhen puffed.

This time it was Tai Xue's turn to pout, yet, he still nodded his head in understanding – acknowledging his mistakes. "Yes, I understand Yu Zhen, it won't happen again, so will you please play with me now?" he asked pleadingly, causing Yu Zhen's heart to throb.

"Well, since you've noted your wrongdoings, yes, we can go and play now" he smiled happily, pleased with Tai Xue's answer.

Now happy, Tai Xue jumped for joy. However, this time when he grabbed Yu Zhen's hand, instead of pulling it roughly like before, he gently guided Yu Zhen outside to the spot where he and been playing for the past couple of days.

"Brother! Brother! Let's play, let's play!" Tai Xue cheered aloud, warming the hearts of those who were lucky enough to bear witness to the scene.

The emperor nodded, "very well" he responded with a clear voice, no particular emotion present.

The next thing Yu Zhen knew a powerful surge of energy was being shot at the crown prince; panicked, Yu Zhen bolted in front of the crown prince and defended against the energy with his body acting as a human meat shield for the crown prince. Concerned, he turned to the small boy and began checking the young child's condition, once he had deducted that he was fine, he turned to where the energy was shot from and couldn't help but be shocked.

The emperor? He... shot an energy attack at his younger brother? The emperor?

Seeing the confused and concerned look on Yu Zhen's face, the emperor realised Yu Zhen didn't know what "play" meant.

"Yu Zhen~" the crown prince called in an obviously annoyed tone, "it's not your turn yet! You have to wait in line!" Tai Xue explained, confusing Yu Zhen even more.

Just what kind of "play" is this?!

"It's a tradition" the emperor suddenly added. Yu Zhen turned to the man and looked at him with an intrigued expression, "I'm sorry your majesty forgive me for my rudeness, but, did you say tradition?" Yu Zhen replied, to which the emperor nodded. "Indeed, you heard right."

Yu Zhen felt as though his head was about to explode, "forgive me for being ignorant your grace, but what kind of traditional 'playing' requires an energy force to be shot at a child?" Yu Zhen inquired curiously. From which the emperor replied, "long ago the tradition officially began, it's less like playing and more like training for young children of the Tai family. However, it's seen as playing due to the ease in the objective; it's simply defending and attacking, it was implemented to build up the strength in the younger children so when it comes to their official training they'll be able to withstand the strain on their body."

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