Midnight Snack

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"I was beginning to think you bailed on me."

Every night I leave the balcony door unlocked allowing him to come and go as he pleases in the heat of the night. I never see or hear him when he arrives but I do know that the air around me feels different whenever he's near; It's like a change in atmosphere that leaves goosebumps on my skin.

My only response being the sound of heeled boots being kicked off and thrown to the side, he was approaching me steathily like a predator moving in on it's prey. And I showed no signs of running away--I was ready to accept anything that he planned on doing to me.

"You know I can't feed from anyone other than you." His olive skin becomes visible in the moonlight, "It makes me ill with an insaitiable hunger."

The moonlight from the balcony shined upon his skin revealing more of the body that I grown to love. With this dim lighting I could see the light stubble on his flushed cheeks, rosy plump lips, and warm honey eyes that were tinged with desire. He was adorned in his usual lavendar trench coat with his black lace covered hands shoved deep within its pockets. On the outside Prince looked unattainable but my heart keeps screaming 'mine, mine, mine' whenever I see him.

"Is that all I am to you?" I teased, "A quick meal, a place to sink your fangs into?"

The crisp Minnesota air nipped at my exposed skin as I cautiously walked down the street. With all this news of unexpected attacks on innocent bystanders in the middle of the night I couldn't help but to feel a bit anxious as I walked home.

"Be careful out there, okay? You never know what lurks in the darkness these days..." Sharon warned before I left her humble abode after dinner.

Moans and groans of discomfort caught my attention as I walked past the alley way that resides between two convienience stores. The air had gone stale, a shiver ran up my spine, and palms became clammy. 'Just keep walking' I repeated under my breath before I began to pick up the pace again.

"It hurts...." A curly haired figure stumbles out of the darkness to stand before me, "You've got to--"

Before he could finish his sentence his body collided with mine as he struggled to keep his balance. Out of instinct I wrapped an arm around waist before taking his left arm to place on my shoulders, he immediately shifted his weight onto me because he was far too weak to stand on his own. When he buried his face in my neck I finally got a good glimpse at him: The stranger was pale to the point that you could see blue-green veins in his skin, his chin and mouth stained with blood , and his skin was as cold as ice.

His nose brushed against my sweat slicked skin as he inhaled my scent. Something about this felt so wrong. but his grip on me was far too tight to simply pry off. When our eyes meet for the first time I am greeted by a deep cherry red, the color far too rich to just be a pair of contacts.

"You have to help me." His words escape between pants.


Crimson. That was the color his eyes flashed with whenever he needed to submit to his carnal desires. I tugged my bottom lip as his hungry eyes bore into mine; this seemingly innocent exchange would decide who was bold enough to make the first move. Even though we both knew it will always be him. Prince dropped down on all fours at the foot of the bed and began to crawl towards me. The palms of his hands leave indents on the sheets as he slowly made his approach, it was obvious that he wanted to see how long it would take me to finally meet him halfway.

"If that were true I wouldn't have planned on spending the rest of my life with you." The tone of his voice softened to the point where my ears strained to hear the words that he whispered.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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