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Thanks to lightwingsrise for helping me come up with a lot of this story xx

"Hell, no!" Draco yelled as he saw Hermione Granger. Professor Flitwick said Draco had to be tutored because he was failing charms. He had a hunch it would be her but he hoped it wasn't.
"Oh yes!" Hermione yelled as she ran to the door to block it "You are failing charms and I am going to tutor you. Now," Hermione went and picked up her bag and was now back at the entrance "Come with me." Draco was reluctant to go with her but he needed tutoring so he followed her to a small room with bookselves all around the room.
"Right then." Hermione said sitting down and taking a touch screen laptop out of her bag.
"What's that?" Draco asked entranced by the laptop.
"It's a laptop, a computer that muggles use." Hermione explained in a matter-of-fact kind of way.
"You're not allowed muggle electronics at Hogwarts."
"Well Professor McGonnagal allowed me to have it and told me how to use the wwww."
"The what?" Draco was now confused.
"Well the muggle use something called 'www' which means 'world wide web' and about a year ago an American half-blood created the 'wwww' which stands for 'world wide wizarding web'. But it didn't get to England until a month ago and Dumbledore wanted Hogwarts to be more modern so he enabled Wifi here."
"The point is you type in what you want to know and it shows you the answer."
Hermione typed in wwww.wizard.web and it came up with a question. 'What are you?' Hermione pressed the button 'Witch'. Then the question 'Are you a student?'
'What school do you go to?'
It then said 'Welcome to the World Wide Wizarding Web'
Hermione shoved the laptop towards Draco an got out a giant black leather bound book and started to read it.
"Go on." She encouraged half heartedly. Draco hit the 'W' key. Already some search results came up, mainly who or what questions. Draco then hit the 'A' key and now it showed random things like 'Want a lizard' and 'Warrent Tigsby'. Draco then accidentally hit the 'T' key twice. At this point Hermione had noticed Draco's spelling.
"What are you doing?" Hermione questioned
"Looking at this." He had his curser over 'wwww.wattpad.com'
"No, don't Malfoy!" Hermione exclaimed
"Scared Granger?" Draco sneered. Before Hermione made another sound Draco pressed the link.
The first stories were 'Deamus' 'Linny' 'Romione' 'Dramione' and 'Drarry'.
"What are these?" Draco pointed at the stories. Hermione shunted Draco out of the chair and sat on it herself examining the stories.
"They are fan fictions." Seeing the look on Draco's face, she continued "Stories our fans have written about us."
"But no one is called 'Deamus' or 'Linny' or any of these"
"That's because they're ship names."
"We aren't boats!"Hermione turned to look Draco
"A ship is a romantic pairing between two people and ship names are the names of the two people in a ship mixed in some way."
"Has anyone told you that it sounds like you swallowed a dictionary?"
"Yes they have." Hermione looked back at the computer screen "So 'Deamus' must be Dean and Seamus and..."
"Wait! Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan are together?"
"Isn't it obvious? Anyway 'Linny' must be Ginny and Luna. 'Romione' must be me and Ron and..." she went red at the realisation of the ship 'Dramione' and 'Drarry'
"What? What is it?" Draco asked
"Can't you guess who those ships belong to?" Hermione taunted
"No, I can't! I'm not smart like you Hermione! Please just tell me!" Draco begged Hermione's eyes widened and looked at Draco. "What?"
"You just called me Hermione."
" Yeah. I mean, I've known your name since you asked me if I'd seen Neville's toad on the first train to Hogwarts. Anyway back to the 'ships'" He did air quotes when he said 'ships'
"Fine. But you're probably going to hate it."
Hermione gave in.
"Try me." Draco crossed his arms confidently. Hermione sighed.
"'Dramione' is you and me and 'Drarry' is you and Harry." Hemione recoiled expecting him to shout. But he didn't. He just picked up his bag and walked out the door.
"Draco! Wait!" Hermione ran after him and blocked his path. "Look I'm sorry, ok? I'm not all that thrilled about being shipped with Ron but we can get through separately or we can do this together. As friends"
Draco thought for a moment. What she said made sense and it also ment she cared.
"Ok. But this isn't about that wattpad thingie." They began to walk back to the tutor room."By the way I think you and Ron are great together. I bet you 5 galleons you two get together by the end of the year." Hermione playing hit Draco's arm.
"Ow!" He laughed.
"Well I bet you 10 galleons that you and Harry will get together by the end of the term." Hermione teased
"Well I bet you 15 galleons he doesn't even like me!" Draco declared
"Ok let's stop before we give each other our Gringgots vaults!" Hermione laughed and Draco soon joined in.

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