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"Sorry if I scared you." Harry half laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Draco wiped away his tear and observed Harry for a moment before looking away. Harry had untucked his shirt and jumper and rolled up his sleeves. His tie hung loosely around his neck and the top two buttons of his shirt were undone. Harry stood by the Gryffindor table with his hands in his pockets and his glasses had slid down his nose so they looked as though they were going to fall off any second and he was doing the little smirk thing that always made Draco's heart flutter. Draco avoided eye contact to hide his blush from his crush.
"What's on your mind?" Harry asked.
"Relationship nonsense really." Draco looked up at Harry as he said this.
"Pansy?" Harry asked knowingly
"What? No, no. Shes just a friend. It's something different." Draco again looked at Harry as he spoke.
"I think she wants to be more then friends." Harry persisted. Draco shook his head
"She wants to be more then friends with Blaise."
"Really?" Harry seemed shocked
"Yeah they've liked each other since third year but they are both too shy to say." Draco again looked up at Harry to try and get the point across again only to find Harry sitting opposite him on the Slytherin table with his arms crossed on the table.
"You know," Harry started thoughtfully " I was almost here," he said pointing at the table " in Slytherin, I mean."
"Really?" Draco was shocked by this fact. His crush could have been in his house and they could have had classes together.
"Yeah. The Sorting Hat with like "You courageous, got a good mind, talent and and a thirst to prove yourself.' And I was like "Not Slytherin" and it was like "Slytherin will help you on your way to greatness no? best be, Gryffindor."
"Why didn't you want to be in Slytherin?" Draco asked curiously
"I met you." Harry said bluntly " and I didn't want to be in the the same house as the child you were."
Draco's heart sank at Harry's words. Draco fought back tears again.
"But," Harry started smiling at the blonde. "I'm slowly seeing that Slytherin isn't so bad" Harry looked at Draco smiling slightly.
"What's made you change your mind?" Draco asked confused.
"You." Harry said simply, smiling and rubbing the back of his neck while they both blushed.
"Oi!" A yell made the two of them look at the door. "You two, Malfoy, Potter, come with me." It was Filch.

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