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This is where it finally happens :)

It was 5 minutes to midnight and the band started playing a beautiful waltz like at the start of the Yule Ball. All the couples got onto the dance floor and started dancing in their own little area.
Harry, who was dancing with his friends until now, retreated back to their table watching them while Draco did the same a few metres away, watching his friends. Draco looked around and saw Harry sitting at the table watching Ron and Hermione dance and Draco decided to take his chance. He got up and slowly walked over to Harry making sure to stay behind him so he didn't see Draco. After a few seconds, Draco was standing behind Harry. He took a deep breath before stepping next to Harry looking at the couples on the dance floor.
Harry noticed a person step next to his chair and look up to see Draco in his green velvet tux and black button up and silver tie. Draco looked down at Harry then smiled and offered his hand to Harry. Harry took it blushing and got lead on to the dance floor by Draco and got into position. As Draco put his hand on Harry's waist, Harry's breath hitched slightly. Draco smiled as he noticed this. The two slowly started dancing in the little area like everyone else until about 30 seconds after they started dancing Draco leaned into Harry's ear and whispered
"Want to show these amateurs how to really waltz?" Harry nodded curiously but excitedly to which Draco smiled. He pulled Harry in closer and said.
"Hold on and follow my lead." Harry smiled and before he knew it he and Draco were doing wide waltz steps around the floor making everybody watch. Draco, being the taller of the two, looked down at Harry to see he was coping only to find Harry's glistening emerald eyes and wide warm smile which in turn made Draco smile as they continued to dance. As the song began to end Draco guided Harry to the centre of the dance floor and spun him around before bowing and kissing the back of Harry's hand making the room erupt in 'aww's and claps. Harry and Draco just looked around smiling. Once the applause died down, the band played the last song of the night a slow dance. Draco and Harry started to slowly dancing with Draco's hands around Harry's waist and Harry's arms around Draco's neck. After about a minute of slow dancing, Harry rested his head on Draco shoulder expecting him to make a negative action but he didn't. Draco just smiled down at Harry before resting the side of his head on Harry's. After another minute, the song ended but neither Harry nor Draco wanted to move. However Harry pulled away and looked up into Draco's eyes. Emerald green into silvery grey. After a few seconds Draco started to lean in. Harry too then leaned in and their lips connected. They both smiled into the kiss and Draco deepened the kiss by pulling Harry in closer. Draco and Harry were too infatuated in the kiss to notice the Mistletoe above them. But everyone else did. They all either gasped, 'aww'ed, sighed, clapped or a mixture. Harry and Draco pulled away and leaned on each other's foreheads. Harry looked over at Ron and Hermione. Ron's mouth was wide open and Hermione was frantically pointing above Harry and Draco's heads. Harry looked up and Draco looked up too. They both looked shocked at the sight of the mistletoe above them but then chuckled. They hugged and the hall again erupted in claps before the two made their way to an empty table.
"So. We are soul mates?" Draco asked
"Yeah, I guess we are." Harry said
"It's crazy that my 4 year crush is my soulmate." Draco chuckled
"Wait. What?" Harry looked at Draco in disbelief
"Harry, you're my 4 year crush." Draco confessed
"Draco, you're my 4 year crush." Harry confessed
"Huh. And my night gets better." Draco joked to which they both laughed
"So if I like you and you like me what does that make us other then super gay?" They both laughed again
"I don't know." Harry shrugged
"Harry?" Draco reached out and held Harry's hands
"Yeah?" Harry looked into Draco's eyes
"Will you be my boyfriend?" Draco asked. Harry pulled Draco into a kiss by his shirt and pulled away.
"You don't know how long I've waited for you to ask me that." Harry said
"4 years apparently." Draco smiled and kissed Harry who kissed back.
"Hey, lovebirds!" Called a voice. Harry and Draco's lips parted to see who was there. It was Ginny, hand in hand with Luna.
"We are all sitting at a table together. Pansy and Blaise can come too." Ginny smiled and walked over to a table where Ron and Hermione were sitting hand in hand. Draco stood up.
"I'll get Pansy and Blaise. You go sit down Harry." Draco smiled before walking off to find Pansy and Blaise. Harry went over and sat at the table next to Hermione. Ron leaned around her to speak to Harry.
"You and Malfoy?"
Harry nodded
"And you really like him?"
Harry nodded again
"Then I'm happy for you mate." Ron smiled and Harry smiled back. "But you," Ron spun around to look at his sister next to him "Why didn't you tell us Luna was your girlfriend?"
"Because I thought you would judge me." Ginny said while holding Luna's hand
"Sis, as long as you're happy, I'm happy for you." Ron smiled. Ginny smiled back and hugged Ron.
"Ew(!)" Draco came over to the table with Pansy and Blaise and sat down next to Harry. "Public displays of affection, gross(!)" Said Draco sarcastically. Ron and Ginny broke the hug and went back to holding their girlfriends' hands.
"Says you Malfoy." Ron gestured to the dance floor "Or should we call you Potter? You are soul mates."
Draco held Harry's hand and kissed the back of it.
"Or we could be Malfoys." He suggested
"Or Potter-Malfoys." Harry suggested
"Or Malfoy-Potters."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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