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Since the whole year was 16 years old or older, they were aloud to apperate. So on a cold Thursday afternoon all the sixth years gathered in the great hall. After the instructor had shown everyone what to do, they started trying to apperate into their hoops. Nothing eventful happened until there was 10 minutes to the end. Draco looked over to see Harry attempting and failing to apperate. He suddenly remembered back to Wattpad and went pink. But he just went back to apperating, occasionally looking up at Harry. Once Harry looked back at him as Draco looked at Harry and they both went back to apperating. Harry felt odd. He felt a shivering run down his back as he looked back at Draco. But he was slightly uneasy. 'Why is Draco looking at me? Why did he blush?' He tried to get his thoughts of Draco as he attempted to apperate. And he did it! He apperated but he was falling. A second later he fell on top of someone. The person he had just been thinking about. Draco. The most awkward part was how he landed. Draco was lying on the floor,face up, with Harry's knees either side of Draco's hips and Harry's hands either side of Draco's head.
"Hi, Harry."
"Hi, Draco."
"Bloody hell, Harry!" Ron and pretty much the whole hall ran towards them.
"You alright mate?" Ron held out his hand to help Harry up. Harry took Ron's hand and he got up off Draco. As Harry looked around he saw Hermione pulling a 'I told you so' look at Draco, Dean passing Seamus 5 galleons and all the girls either cooing or frowning.
"Draco are you ok?" Pansy held her hand out to Draco with a loving look on her face. Harry hated Pansy not only because she was a Slytherin but because she is so possessive over Draco. So Harry was surprised when Draco refused to take Pansy's hand and got himself up.
"I'm fine, Parkinson." Draco spat at Pansy who was taken aback by Draco's comment. Draco was more concerned about Harry. And vis versa. Before either of them could say anything however, the instructor called
"You are dismissed. Well done everyone."

Draco finds Wattpad ~~{Drarry}~~Where stories live. Discover now