Game Night

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Peter came flying into the living room of the Avengers tower at top speed crashing into nearly everything in his path and came skidding to a stop more inches before colliding with an angry looking Bucky.

"Sorry Mr White Wolf Bucky sir!" he exclaimed before running over to grab the sandwich Steve had left for him on the counter.He could barely contain his excitement. For the first time in over a month, most of the Avengers were in the tower and Tony had allowed him to have a game night. Peter had spent the last two nights coming up with the perfect itinerary for that night and he was so ready to win.

After what felt to Peter like a 6 hour long dinner where Natasha and Clint had gotten into an argument about who was going to win game night which eventually turned into an argument between everyone at the table, it was time to put Peter's plan to work. He had divided the team into groups of two, Peter and MJ, Tony and Pepper, Steve and Bucky, Thor and Bruce, Natasha and Clint, Ned and Shuri, and Wanda and Vision.

The first game that Peter had chosen was UNO. After about 45 minutes, it was only Peter and MJ versus Ned and Shuri.The game continued like this for another hour but seeing as neither team was close to defeat, the game ended in a tie before everyone got too bored. Up next was Twister, which Natasha won by a landslide thanks to her training in the Red Room. Her win was not taken well by Tony as he had begun to think that he was going to win but was easily defeated and was now pouting on the other side of the room while Clint, Bruce, and Thor tried to console him. It took a couple of different failed bribes before Pepper walked over and whispered something in his ear to which Tony sprang up, any look of disappointment wiped off of his face completely.

Peter went to go grab Monopoly, but when he saw the gleam in Pepper's eyes he quickly stashed it back into the cupboard much to her chagrin. Quickly running out of ideas but not wanting to look unprepared, Peter suggested hide and seek.

Pepper offered to be the seeker and gave everyone 5 minutes to hide around the tower. Most went for typical spots such as behind large pieces of furniture or in closets/cupboards. Clint took to the vents and it would of taken Pepper a while to find him if he hadn't accidentally hit his funny bone on the side of the wall and let out a very loud string of curse words and fallen out of an air conditioning duct right into the kitchen sink with a large CLANG!. Thor didn't seem to understand the purpose of the game and merely stood behind a lamp and kept telling Pepper she couldn't see him.

As the game continued, almost all of the group had been found except for Natasha, Tony, Peter, and Bucky. Bucky had managed to sneak into one of the training rooms and squeezed himself into a punching bag. He would have most likely won if he hadn't sneezed right as Pepper walked by, sending stuffing flying across the room. Tony had hidden himself inside one of the hundreds of suits he had in his lab and Peter had been found on the ceiling of the elevator scrolling through Twitter. He managed to accidentally scare the crap out of Pepper while watching a Vine that came across his feed, making her almost collapse and him fall off the ceiling after the pure shock of her scream.

Pepper continued looking for Natasha and eventually had to employ the team and FRIDAY to help find her. She had snuck into one of the tour groups and had been walking around the tower for the past hour, which in all honesty was the smartest hiding spot you could find in the entire building.

After the team regrouped, they decided to go watch Brooklyn 99 on one of the many TVs Tony had filled the building with. As they all snuggled up between blankets and pillows, Natasha braided Bucky's hair and MJ fell asleep in Peter's lap who fell asleep on top of Tony, who cuddled up against Pepper. The next day, the group would find a photo in their camera rolls on their phones from FRIDAY of all of them fast asleep, intertwined with one another.

Hi!This is my first one-shot and I hope you liked it! If you have any feedback or requests just let me know :)

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