The Visit

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This one had already been published but I accidentally deleted it so if you've already read it feel free to just skip it. Also sorry that I've been inactive, holidays are always busy. Working on a new chapter and it should be published very soon. Love you guys!

The day that Peter and Shuri first met had to be one of the worst days of the Avengers lives. It had to be like 5 years ago but the memories still haunt them.

It all started just after the snap had been reversed(Except that it was done by Carol and she survived and brought back Nat and Gamora but Gamora isn't in this story so idk why I said that) and Tony had teamed up with Wakanda to fulfill his dream of having a suit of armour around the world. He had become good friends with T'Challa and Pepper and Okoye got along so well it was kinda scary. Tony was always secretly worried that if he accidentally pissed Pepper off, he would wake up the next day to the entire Dora Milaje standing over him, weapons drawn.

Tony had only met Shuri a few times and she seemed nice enough so he decided that the next time T'Challa and his family were staying at Stark Tower, he would introduce her to Peter. It just so happened that T'Challa and Shuri were coming to visit the next week.

-----Time Skip-----

Tony met the two Wakandans on the landing strip and walked them inside. As T'Challa and him were headed inside a conference room to talk with Nick Fury about some upcoming projects, he told Shuri to head up to the 97th floor and just hang out. She was reluctant at first but went up there anyways. Sitting there on the couch was Peter with a bag of doritos, watching Star Wars. Shuri walked over and sat down next to him.

"Hey." she said,

"Hi, I'm Peter, Mr. Stark's intern."

"Cool, I'm Shuri,"

"Oh you're that Wakandan scientist/princess person right?"


And they went back to watching Star Wars. About 20 minutes later, Peter mentioned how cool it would be to have a lightsaber. Shuri grinned and proceeded to tell him about the two she had build when she was 14.

"No way that's so cool!!!"

"Yeah! They're in my ship, wanna go get them?"

"Sure! We'll take them down to my lab and I can show you the working R2-D2 I made!"


-----Time Skip-----

By the time T'Challa and Tony had finished their meeting, Peter and Shuri were best friends. They were hanging out in Peter's lab installing holograms so the two could pretty much be in each other's labs at anytime providing that the other was in their's. They had a vine compilation playing in the background and were eating all sorts of junk food. As Tony and T'Challa turned the corner and opened the door to Peter's lab, all they heard was

Shuri: How did you defeat Captain America?

Peter(in a terrible German accent): We shot him in zee legs because his shield is zee size of a dinner plate and he is an idiot

"Oh for fuck's sakes Underoos"

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