The One where Shuri is now banned from Peter's school

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Hey everybody! So, I've kinda been on an unplanned hiatus but I'm back? Anyways I have a lot to say but imma just put it at the end of the chapter so yeah :)

For some odd reason, Tony and T'challa had agreed to meet up again and T'challa was bringing Shuri. Maybe the memory of the first time they met wasn't enough of a reminder of the chaos that Peter and Shuri could cause together or maybe they thought it wouldn't be that bad. Whatever the reason was, it was now the day the two royals were supposed to arrive in New York City and Peter was bouncing off the walls. Literally. He got stuck on the ceiling for 10 minutes.

Peter and Tony were in Tony's lab when from the doorway, they heard a very familiar,


Peter jumped up in excitement and ran over to where one of his best friends stood and they proceeded to do their extremely complicated handshake which ended with a chest-bump that sent Shuri flying as Peter always forgot his super strength. Tony just groaned. This was going to be a loooooong couple of days.

One mistake that was made when planning this trip was the fact that everyone forgot that Peter had one more day of school before the long weekend that Shuri and T'challa were visiting over.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on who you ask, the two teens had a solution. Shuri would go to school alongside Peter, wearing a disguise(a baseball cap and sunglasses lol).

le time skip

It was now the next morning and Happy was dropping the two teens off at Midtown.

"This is gonna be so much fun!" exclaimed Shuri, "I've never been to American school before, what's it like? Do you have"? She proceeded to ramble all the way into the school, past Peter's locker and into first period, which happened to be history. The teacher for this class was in her last year before retirement and honestly could not give a fuck about what happened in her class which is why almost the whole class had over 90% and sometimes got to use the class as a free period. That's the main reason why when Shuri and Peter walked into class, she didn't even notice, she just continued doing her crossword in peace.

The next class however was social studies and the teacher for that subject was relatively new and so he paid lots of attention to everything that was happening in the class. When the two teens walked in, now accompanied by Ned and MJ(who was overjoyed to see her girlfriend but don't tell anyone, she has a reputation to uphold after all), the teacher, let's call him Mr. James, noticed the new student right away.

"Um, excuse me miss, who exactly are you?"

"I'm Shuri, without a B," she replied. Peter immediately caught on,

"Where's the B?" he asked, stifling his laughter,

"There's a bee? Where?" Shuri proceeded to run around the room causing the entire class to erupt into laughter leaving a very confused teacher. She walked back in 5 minutes later as if nothing ever happened and took a seat next to Peter. The teacher just shrugged and walked up to the smartboard.

"Okay class, today we will be starting our unit on Wakanda and the new developments surrounding its culture.". It took everything that Peter and Shuri had inside of them not to burst out laughing when Mr. James said this. The next 10 minutes were filled with the most bullshit presentation on Wakanda that anyone had ever heard and eventually Shuri couldn't take it. She stood up and walked to the front of the classroom.

"Yeah, hi Mr. Teacher guy? You've got it all wrong"

"Is that right young lady"

"Damn right it is"

"And how would you know that". Shuri proceeded to rip off her cap and sunglasses in the most extra way possible, doing multiple hair flips followed by a deep bow.

"Well you see mister, I am the Princess of Wakanda and in all honesty that was a terrible presentation." Mr. James pretty much fainted on the spot as, well actually nobody knows why maybe it was shock, I don't know.

"Now if you'll excuse me, go sit down and imma finish this for you." She turned to the class, "Okay everyone forget the bullshit he just told you, here's the real tea." She talked about Wakanda for the next 45 minutes and when the bell rang, the students knew more about Wakanda than most governments ever would.

Shuri taking over classes happened for the rest of the day, through robotics and Spanish(No she doesn't know Spanish she just walked up to the front of the class and started playing a vine compilation and since there was a sub for the class, nobody really cared so they just watched vines for an hour.). Lastly, the two teens entered the chemistry class. The teacher had a few equations up on the board and had given them 10 minutes to solve them. At the end of the ten minutes, she wrote the answers on the board.

"Excuse me, Miss," said Peter, "The answer to the third equation is wrong it should be 11.37, not 11.82."

"How dare you interrupt me, Mr. Parker!"

"Actually miss he's right" chimed in Shuri

"Both of you. Detention". The two teens just went "Fuck it" and decided since they already had detention, they might as well not do anything else during class so they badly edited photos of the Avengers to make reaction pics.

Time Skip

Detention had been interesting as Shuri was introduced to the Captain America videos and dear god, Steve was fucked that's all I can say. When they got home that afternoon, neither of them could look at Steve without bursting into laughter which confused him to no end. During dinner that night, Nat began talking about how Cap had fallen during training by slipping in a puddle of water. That was all it took. Peter and Shuri stood up simultaneously, sun their chair around, sat down again, and in a very bad impression of Steve, said,

"So, you've fallen and you can't get up"

Steve just put his head on the table

"I should have never done those videos."

Ok so note time y'all!

First off, how have you guys been? Personally, I've been pretty good, but covid has definitely made life a lil weird. I'm just gonna put everything in point form cause I can

-BIDEN IS PRESIDENT!!!!! I'm not American but if anyone of you guys are and you voted for him, I'm super proud of you

-Pronoun update: I now use the pronouns they/them and she/her(you can use either at any time)

-WE HIT 2K READS OMFG!! I honestly never thought this book would gain any traction, but I'm super grateful that it has :)

-If y'all ever wanna reach me to talk or just say hi, my messages will always be open as well as you can find me on Instagram at either peter.son.of.tony or buckysmoon, on Twitter at jensenscrown, or on Tumblr at petersonoftony.

-Lastly, one of my favourite people on the planet has joined Wattpad as @tomhollandwriter so go check out her profile or I'll steal your kneecaps



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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