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Thanks to the new translator Tony had installed in his sunglasses, he could now understand everything that people said while he was around them, no matter the language. He had

designed them for meetings and conference calls with people from foreign countries so that those people would feel more comfortable and they wouldn't need a translator. Tony had been dying for a way to test it out and had just been ambling around the streets of New York City just picking up snippets of conversations here and there. The convos should have been more interesting but seeing as he was famous, all people said when they saw him were mixtures of compliments and doubts that that situation was happening.

Anyways, so one day Tony had just come up from his lab where he shouldn't have been considering that he hadn't slept in 6 days but that's not the point, when he heard two people talking in fluent Russian. He quickly fished his sunglasses out of his pocket and hit the button on the side that activates the translator while he was walking towards the voices which were in the kitchen.

Bucky and Natasha were standing at the kitchen counter, suspiciously staring at Steve and Clint, who looked absolutely terrified( I mean I would be too if two of the world's most deadliest people were muttering about me in a different language). When Tony got closer he could finally understand what the two Russians were saying and it took all his strength not to burst out laughing.

"So how long are we going to do this to them" asked Bucky, speaking Russian

"I don't know, but this is really entertaining isn't it" answered Natasha,

"I have an idea, let's just slowly walk in their direction and start pulling out weapons and watch them just lose it."

"Great idea."

And so they walked over to the couch. Very slowly and nonchalantly but between the two of them, they must have pulled out a total of at least 10 knives and 7 guns and were just kinda juggling them, hilding them between their teeth, or polishing them.

Eventually it became too much for poor Clint and Steve and they ran out of the room as fast as they can and if you ask FRIDAY for the footage, they didn't leave their rooms for around two days out of pure fear.

Ok i'm sorry this is really trash but I wanted to upload smtg bc i felt really bad about not uploading for so long. Also 60 reads!!!!! Wow!!! You guys are the best. Thank you so much this means so much to me. If you just wanna help me out and vote or leave a comment, that would mean the world to me!! Love you guys 3000!


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