Sick Peter

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Usually with Peter's powers, it was hard for him to get sick. Unfortunately, with it being flu season and all, he just happened to be unlucky enough to come down with a virus. When Peter woke up, his head was throbbing so bad he couldn't sit up but the creeping sense that he was going to throw up made him have to. He rushed over to the private bathroom Tony had included in Peter's room at the tower and vomited multiple times.

"Sir, it appears that Peter has contracted a virus and is currently vomiting."

"Shit." exclaimed Tony and he rushed down to the hall to Peter's room.

"Hey Pete? You all good?" he got no response so he opened the door to see Peter almost passed out on the carpet, completely pale. Tony ran over to him and asked FRIDAY to check his temperature.

"It is about 104℉". Tony lifted Peter up and put him into his bed.

"No no no Mr Stark Tony Dad sir," Peter rambled, "I'm all good, I'm fine I can go to school and do Spider-Man, I'm fine, really."

"I don't think so kiddo, tell you what, I'll call the school and say you're not coming in today and I'll have Cap make you some of his famous chicken noodle soup, ok?"

"Ok" and with that, Peter was asleep.

-----------------------------------------------------Le Time Skip----------------------------------------------------

It was about 2 pm now and Peter was feeling a little better thanks to Cap's chicken noodle soup and the extra-strength meds that Bruce had created for when the enhanced Avengers were sick.

Everything seemed to be fine except for that they forgot one thing. They forgot that because Peter is sick and all the Avengers were visiting him and making sure he was ok, they caught the bug that Peter had as well. And that is how when a tour group entered the Avengers common floor, they were all passed out on the couch except for Peter who was contently sitting in the middle of the couch watching Queer Eye on one of the floor's many 120 inch flat screen TV's(obviously Tony paid for them).

Hey guys i know i said i would uplaod the next part like 4 days ago but my google drive got hacked and bc i write all the chapters in docs first(don't @ me I like it that way), they all got deleted. THis one is kinda short hopefully I can have more up soon!

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