Secret Dance

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Most of the team sat in the Tower's living room, either playing Mario Kart, reading, sharpening knives, or slowly backing away from said knives. Everything was peaceful.

However Tony was starting to get worried because Peter should have been back from a patrol over half an hour ago, yet he hadn't seen him yet. He got up and headed towards the kitchen counter where his tablet sat. He picked it up and opened the tracker inside Peter's suit.

The tracker said that Peter's suit was in his room, but that was impossible, he would have come out to get a snack or something, Tony thought.

"Hey FRI, is Peter in the tower?"

"Yes Boss, but he has asked that I do not disclose his exact location."

This didn't fly with Tony. If Peter was hiding his location, he was most likely hurt and sitting in the medbay, trying to hide his injuries from Tony. He ran towards the elevator, which alerted some of the team.

"Where are you going Tony?" asked Nat, confused,

"To find Peter" Tony wasn't even paying attention to the fact that most of the team was now standing behind him, worried. He was too busy pressing the button calling the elevator rapidly, it couldn't come fast enough for him.

"Where to, Boss?" asked FRIDAY

"Wherever Peter is, and fast"

The elevator ended up dropping him off at level 10 which mainly just housed two large training gyms and a lab, nothing too interesting, which left Tony a bit confused. He began to walk down the hall and had made it about 20 feet when he began to hear soft music. This intrigued him and he began walking a little faster until he came upon the last gym where the music seemed to be coming from.

He walked up to the window to see not really what he was expecting. Peter and MJ were slowly swaying around the centre of the room, little smiles on their faces, both of them looking strangely calm. It was right about then Tony was happy that the two teens couldn't see or hear him due to the gym being semi-soundproofed(The on the outside can kinda hear what's going on inside the gym but the people inside can't hear the noise from the outside so that everyone training doesn't get distracted by the people walking by) and having a one-way glass window.

"Hey FRI?" asked Tony, "Can you alert the team to come down to level 10 quickly please dear?"

"Will do boss, the team is on their way"

Less than 3 minutes later, the entire team or everyone in the building at that moment, (Steve, Bucky, Sam, Clint, Nat, Thor, Bruce, Wanda, Vision, Pietro(yes he's alive sue me), and Stephen) came running out of the elevator, or in Clint's case just fell out of the vents, coming very close to landing directly on top of Tony.

"This better be important Stark, I'm watching Netflix," said Nat

"Trust me it is," Tony said gleefully and pointed towards the gym. The team all awed at the sight and quickly whipped out their phones for blackmail material.

*Time Skip*

Roughly 2 hours later, Peter and MJ walked out of the gym hand and hand, quietly talking with each other on their way up to the common floor to watch a movie. They boarded the elevator and when they got out the entire team just stared at them which they found creepy, which was immediately followed by Clint and Sam making kissy noises.

"Awh fuck no," said Peter and the two teens spun around and got back into the elevator to go to MJs instead.

I'm back! Sorry it took me so long for this but here it is. I also have a fan acct on Insta now so go follow it if you want? Its @avengers.on.insta

Love you guys 3000,


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