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It was last period math, Peter's least favourite class of the day, mainly because he had no friends in this class. The teacher was droning on and on and in all honesty, Peter had tuned him out like half an hour ago. Suddenly, Peter's phone started ringing,

"Fuck me, fuck me, you just wan-" Peter hastily grabbed his phone.

"Mr. Parker, you know the rules," said the teacher, Mr. Boyle, "Answer it and put it on speaker"

"Shit" cursed Peter under his breath and he answered the call.

"BABY!!!!" squealed Wade,

"Hi Wade" groaned Peter. The entire class around him was very confused. Peter was gay? And he had a boyfriend?

"Guess what? I finally convinced your dads to let me come to the tower!"

"That's great babe, but how? They hate you!"

"I may or may not have saved Tony's life... It was awesome! It was him and Steve and Bruce fighting some weapons traffickers and they were losing badly, like REALLY badly and so I ran over and they were like Dea-" This confused the class even more. Steve, Tony, and Bruce as in Captain America, Iron Man, and Hulk? Tony Stark was Peter's dad? Wasn't Peter an orphan? Did the guy on the phone say Deadpool? Was Peter dating Deadpool?

"Wade I'm gonna stop you right there, I'm in school. Don't go around exposing me!"

"Let me guess you're in that dumbass Mr. Boyle's class aren't you?" The entire class let out shocked laughter and looked over to Mr. Boyle who looked quite offended.

"Tell you what Petey-Boy, I'll come rescue you!"

"Wade NO!"

"Too late!" said Wade cheekily and hung up the phone.

Twenty minutes later Wade was crashing through the third floor window, leaving shards of glass all over the floor. He ran over to Peter and picked him up bridal style. They walked over to the window and Wade spun around, pointed directly at the teacher and said

"Your classes suck by the way. I could teach better than you." and proceeded to jump out the window still carrying Peter in his arms. The entire class ran over and stared out the window, only to see the two boys walking down the street, Wade's arms around Peter.



Once every two weeks, it was mandatory for all Avengers and their kids and their significant others to get together for dinner. Usually Stephen or Bucky cooks, however one time Vision tried to prepare spaghetti for all of them which ended in tears, a small fire, and Tony being covered in marinara sauce.

Around the dining room table sat Tony, Stephen, Steve, Bucky, Bruce, Thor, Natasha, Clint, Scott, Hope, Cassie, Peter, Shuri, T'Challa, Nakia, Wanda, Vision, Carol, Valkyrie, and Loki in no particular order. It was a good thing that these dinners were hosted in the tower or there's no way everyone would fit. That night they were having chicken nuggets, thanks to the constant begging from Peter, Shuri, and Cassie.

*Tiny little time skip because I'm tired and don't really want to write this part*

They had all just finished dinner and were just kinda hanging out when Peter's phone started ringing. Luckily Peter had changed his ringtone from when his phone had gone off in math class a couple weeks prior. He had forgot one thing though. Wade's contact name. And Wade's contact photo. As his phone was ringing on the kitchen counter, Peter was struggling to make it across the room to see who was calling. Nat saw his struggles and looked at the screen.

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