Chap 10

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It's been a few days since the team got together and Naib being crushed under there deathly hugs,they settled in and Tracy gave them all two rooms since they didn't have more then that,she also couldn't trust them in another members room but decided to worry about that later, they agreed none the less.

So now the girls are in a room separated then the boys.

"Listen you guys..We have more members of the team but there out at the moment or under training,if they came here then I will have no choice but to separate you with the rest"Tracy announced while they were having dinner.

They stopped eating to hear her out "so in other words you guys will each share a room with one of my members,but for the time being enjoy your two rooms"she finished.

"Thank you miss Tracy! We really appreciate you to take us in and to see our leader again! And also helping us to free our friend,it means a lot to us..ah.."Vera rubbed the back of her neck" and sorry for the trouble that our leader might have cost you all!"

Jack was holding back a laugh as he covered his mouth with the back of his hand,to think that the teammate should apologize for him,but honestly jack feels like there the one who should be apologizing since they hurt there leader a little.

"It's alright Vera,it was a normal behavior since he kind of got kidnapped"Tracy smiled sweetly.

Dinner was finished and everyone was back to there rooms aside form Naib who asked Vara to talk a little in private.

"Boss?"Vera said.

"First you didn't HAD to do that! I'm pretty sure I didn't bother anyone!"Naib complained.

Vera chuckled at his behavior it's been awhile since the last time there leader complained, on failed missions he would always respond with "its fine" or "its okay" "it doesn't matter" and barely any emotions since the day there friend was taken away.

Ah...that day...

"Vera?you okay?"Naib asked concern in his tone.
"Hm?..oh yeah! Sorry but I had to apologize for our actions, since there being so nice to us"she finished smiling.

'More like apologizing because of me!' Naib thought"...fine! I'll let it slide this time!"naib finished with a sign while Vera clapped her hands "shall we then boss?"Vera asked gesturing to the two rooms near each other.

"Indeed..well good night Vera tell the girls to sleep early tonight tomorrow we're gunna start planning with the team"naib said.

"On it boss!"with that Vera went back to her room with the other girls,while naib watched her off"you know..your not that good at hiding"naib said turning around to face jack who was hiding behind a wall.

"Mmm! Guess I've been found out~ Well I don't usually go on missions so don't expect much of me boy"jack answered after he went out of the wall.

"Why were you stalking us?to get information even after we promised to corporate?"(hah idk if I spelled that right TwT)Naib crosses his arms and raised a brow.

"Not really~I was just passing by and my curiosity got the best of me my dear Don't get me wrong!"jack said with while leaning down to the short retired mercenary in front of him.

Naib studied jacks expression for any sign of lying and found none"alright...I believe you, ah that reminds me"

"Hm?" Jack bummed as he stood back straight.

"I didnt thank you properly that day,I've been way to busy with the rest of the team that I forgot to thank you properly"naib said while scratching the back of his head.

A part of jack was kinda nervous at this, the last time he 'thanked him' jack felt a weird sensation inside him,like the hole world been colored into bright colors.

A feeling

A beautiful and a hard one to get

As one would call it


Even if the amount was little
Jack haven't felt that for a long time,since he's been left in the base for a long time and barely anyone talked to him since what he did to that women..

Right after that day Tracy stopped sending victims to him for torture,she said something along the lines of 'that was way too much' or something similar.

Jack can't remember what he did to her,he just remembers her looks when they first met, and once wrapped up in bandages..jack wasn't even sure if all the bandages were his doing either..

"Ah where should I begin?"naib asked himself "thank you jack for putting me back with my team and giving us all a chance to cooperate with each other,even though we're more like strangers"naib said scratching his cheek giving a little smile.

There was it again, the feeling, jack didn't like it one bit.

Jack was too caught up in his thoughts that he didn't realize his hands on naibs cheek in an uncomfortable touch,"jack..?"naib said after feeling his fingers add force into his flesh slightly.

Jack came back to his senses and stopped as soon as he saw the discomfort in naibs eyes,'what is wrong with me..?' Jack said to himself,looking at his own hands.

He sighs "sorry boy,I might be just a bit tired.."jack put a hand on his head and started walking back to his room.

'What's wrong with him?' Naib though,' well it's getting late I batter go back to the boys..' with that naib went back to his room.

Jack on the other hand was pacing in his room "its just a thank you jack! Then why does my body reacts so weird!..why did I touch him?..Im not a touchy person.."jack sighed as he sat down on his bed deep in thought "maybe it's because no one has ever thanked me..or maybe I'm just really tired, yeah that's probably it.."

Jack lied down on his bed "I'm changing.." he wasn't sure if this was a good sign or not, jack felt his eye lids get heavy and soon enough fell into a deep sleep.

Sorry for the wrong grammar or spellings! I'm still trying to learn more ^^

As always thank you for reading and have a good day!

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