Chapter 13

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Tracy POV

"Alright everyone, so first we need to know where this group is..we need to locate there base and start planning from there"

"I can try and do that but I need information, the slightest thing would be useful" I finished and looked around hoping they have something.

A minute went by and no one raised there hand or spoke a word..

"Alright let's make this easier, Team X where was the last time you saw you're friend?"

Vera raises her hand "we were coming back from mikes graduation party"

I nod "when did you get the mission email?"

"Five days after the party"naib answers.

"Did any of you tried to contact him?"

"I tried but..he didn't answer my texts and he does that a lot so I didn't think much of it.."mike says.

"Do you have any idea why you guys were chosen?"

"Not really..the best reason I could think of is probably cause of our talent"norton says.

I have too many question..I'll try to keep it short..

Tracy:"when did you separate?"
Norton:"me and mikes house where the furthest so we walked everyone back to there own houses, and I'm sure I watched him go inside his house"
Tracy:"what hour was it?"
Norton:around 11pm

Then he was taken from his house..what about the security cameras?

"Did he have any security cameras?"

Vera: "I think he did but..when we got there to check on him all the cameras where ripped off or broken, and when we asked to see the security cameras records they said nothing went in or out for 6 days, we even looked at it ourselves"

Damn it....last time seen was after the party when they all went contact for five cameras show nothing...all I can make up for now is that someone at the party followed him..someone who knows there talents and there strong bond..someone who knows who's the weakest..

Could it be?..
One of them?..

Someone from there team is definitely the traitor..I batter keep an eye out..

"Mike give me the location of the party and everyone who attended the party, thank you for cooperating with us, now you can all eat"as soon as I say that everyone starts eating like they've been hungry for days..I guess Emma's cooking isn't that bad~

I then walk out of the room with my plate, I need to start as soon as possible..

Naib's POV (now back to our baby boy)

I was eating peacefully when a certain someone! Kicked my leg in a flirty way disturbing my delicious food which is made of pancakes..bless you miss Emma d( ̄  ̄)

I slightly turned around and glared at the man who's sitting beside me, Jack

"Ah~ sorry my dear the tables too smol for my long legs you see~"

"Sure sure.."I whispered making sure only he hears"do that again and I'll make sure to make them fit perfectly..."

"Around you~?"

I sigh, knowing it's useless to keep it going.


Tho...are we not gonna talk about that kiss last night? Is he just gonna let it go..?

Ugh what am I saying! He said he wanted to taste a kiss again!..that was a poor excuse tho..

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