Chapter 8

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24th of November 2019

Dear Marco,

Are you a single parent? Because I've never once heard something about a wife or a mother. Which is why I assume you raised Dean alone. If so, good job! You raised the best boy I've ever met. He's very sweet. I didn't know how much I needed to hear some things until he wrote them. So, I wanna thank him for this. I'm sending him this notebook and colored pencils so he can continue do what he loves the most. It's my gift for this little angel. It's a small one, I know, but drawing is the only thing I know Dean likes to do. I'm gonna repeat myself and say that you, Marco, did a great job raising this boy. You're lucky to have him as a son and he is lucky to have you as a father. Thank you both.

For everything


P.S.: Yeah, I don't have much faith in humanity either..."

"Did she liked my letter?" Dean asked nervously. "Not only she liked it, buddy. She loved it." Marco smiled and messed his son's hair. "Also, the box is for you. A small gift form Iris." He added. Dean smiled excitedly and opened the box. He first found a folded paper, which he opened and started reading.

"Dear Dean,

Thank you for your letter buddy! I loved it! I didn't know how much I needed to hear these words until you wrote them to me. You're a sweet boy, Dean. I love you both too.

With aaaall of my love,

Dean smiled excitedly and started bouncing. Marco chuckled. "She loved it! She loved it! She loved it!" Dean started shouting, happily to have made a new friend...

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