Chapter 21

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Marco had woken up earlier this morning. Dean had slept at Dareius's place, which meant that he didn't have to drive Dean to school. So, Marco took a shower, got dressed, put Mako in a leash and left for his cafe. Paul was waiting for him outside. "Huh, you're early." Marco said surprised. "Couldn't sleep. Peter snored." Paul yawned. Marco chuckled. "Well, Let's open this cafe!" He said then...

The day had been passing very quietly. It was finally time for their break. Paul was already outside, drinking a cup of coffee. Marco took two cupcakes and joined his best friend, handing one to him. "Thanks brother." Paul said. Marco smiled in response, letting the second cupcake on the table and kneeling next to Mako.

"Sooo, Joe told me about your love troubles." Marco sighed, not surprised. "Leave it to Joe to make your problem known." He mumbled as he continued to pet his dog. "You are sooo clueless, huh? At least I knew when I had a crush."

"Paul, if you don't shut up this instant, the rest of the cupcake is gonna end up on your face."

Paul raised his hands in surrender with an amused expression. "Alright man, chill." He said. The bell over the door rang, alerting the two boys that someone had entered. "Lexi-Ow!" Paul started rubbing his leg, where Marco had hit him. Alexis giggled as she took the free seat of their table. "You know she doesn't like being called Lexi." Marco said, still looking to Mako rather than his best friend and his cousin. "Sorry, I forget."

"Yeah, well, tie a string on your finger or something." Alexis was now fully laughing.

"Anyways..." Alexis took a deep breath, calming herself, before speaking. "What's up boys?" She asked with a leftover smile. "Marco's going through a crush."

"WILL YOU SHUT UP?!" Marco finally snapped. "Let's see... No."

"I hate you."

"You love me."

"Fuck off."

"Alright, enough." Alexis said, smile turning into a semi-scowl. Cause as much as she wished to seem serious, the whole situation was ridiculous to her. Marco sighed and turned back to Mako. "You're the only one who doesn't make fun of me, buddy." He said. Mako stuck his tongue out, holding a happy expression as Marco scratched his ear. They were silent for a while, before Paul stood up. "I'll go get some water." He said and left. Alexis turned to Marco. "You know, not all women are like-"

"DONT! Say her name!"

"'She-who-must-not-be-named'." Alexis sighed. "When did Dean's mom became Voldemort?" Marco looked up. "Last time I checked, you should be at school."

"I ain't gonna suffer for two whole periods because my teacher got sick." Carter said, leaning back against the chair Paul was previously sitting at. And speaking of whom... "alright kiddo, get your ass off my chair."

"No, I don't think I will." Alexis was giggling as Marco was just watching the scene with an amused smile. "Why do you two hate each other so much, huh?"

"Dunno." Carter said and took out his phone, just as it rang. "Always on time. Hey Eths."

"Ethan's gonna kill him." Alexis whispered to Marco, who nodded. "Oh I'm not gonna suffer just because Yime got sick. Plus, Marke teaches computers! Why is she replacing the chemistry teacher, huh?" Paul threw his head back, groaning, before sitting on the last free chair, next to Alexis. "What has my day come to, huh?" Marco asked Mako, who barked quietly. Just then, his phone beeped.

Iris: I'm sorry

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