Chapter 5: "Best Friend"

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Lisa's POV

The doors opened revealing the woman in white.

She went closer to me and then suddenly, she closed my opened mouth which I haven't noticed that was hung open. God! I'm straight! 

"I closed it before any flies might go inside." She said then winked. 

Wait. Why is my heart beating so fast? Why- Why do I feel my cheeks burning? Oh sht! 

She turned around unfolding a wheelchair, "I'm one of your doctors. I'm very sorry if I haven't introduced myself to you earlier. My name is Jennie Mano-- Kim." She was supposed to tell me another name of hers, but she hesitated. 

She helped me transfer to the wheelchair and to the parking lot we go. But before we went to the parking area, we went in the office of my doctor. I roamed my eyes to the interior of the room and landed in the name plaque on the table. "Dr. Lalisa Manoban"

I looked across mine and saw Doctor Jennie's table with a... I cannot have a good view of it, but it seems like a family picture. 

Anyways, she's married for sure as she wears her 'wedding ring'.

"So we're the only doctors here in this office? You're married, so I assume that we're best friends!" I spoke. 

She just smiled faintly as her eyes got teary and said, "Y-y-yeah. We're best friends. And by the way, we'ell be going home now."

"Sure bestie!!" I screamed.

She went to her drawer and withdrew a key and then, we proceeded to her car. I was seated at the shotgun seat and she went to the driver's seat and started driving. "So I bet your cousins already told you about your work and other personal informations. Right?"

"Yeah! And speaking of personal informations, how did I end up in the hospital?" She looked at me for a second and suddenly spoked, "You were in an accident. Car crash."

I was shocked for a moment then processed it later. 
"Tragic! My family should've been so worried. I wonder where my husband is. Do you know him?"

She coughed as if it caught her off guard.

Jennie's POV

Yes. I didn't told her that I'm her wife. I don't want to rush things. I want her to recover in small steps. 

Yeah, sure. I miss her. But this would all be hard for her to process. 

We are now on our way back home. We had a little chitchat until, 
"Tragic! My family should've been so worried. I wonder where my husband is. Do you know him?"

I didn't answer her. I pretended I didn't hear her.

A couple of minutes later, we arrived at our house. I stopped the car in the garage of our mansion. The maids and butlers opened the door and welcomed us. They bowed to Lisa, and I can clearly see that Lisa was so confused, but then she greeted them the same. The butlers went to the car to get the stuffs there. 

"Hey, Lisa! Go to the left end of the 2nd floor's hallway. There are two doors across eachother. Go inside the door with  a color blue. You'll find your kids there." I smiled warmly. 

She smiles at me and stared at me for a moment, "How about you? Where will I find you?"

"You will find me anywhere. I am always with you." I held her hand and caressed it. I gently let go and went to the kitchen leaving her staring at me. 

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