chapter 4 😚

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i wake up at 8:02am because today is late start.🥳 every wednesday school starts at 9:00am. i get up, stretch, go brush my teeth, and wash my face. i get a text from mattia saying:
good morning💛 i'm on my way :)
                                                       okay. 😚
shiiiiiiiit. i comb out my curly hair and i grab an outfit. i just wore a pair of high waisted medium wash jeans, white authentic vans, and a black hoodie with our school logo on it. i spray my perfume, grab my stuff and head downstairs to grab a snack and say bye to my momma. i hear mattia honking outside.
"adios mija!"
"bye ama!"
i get in mattia's car.
"hey." he said as i sat down.
"good morning." i gave him a big hug.
"hey so do you wanna skip 3rd period with me."
i had to think about it because i had spanish 3a 3rd period.
"yessir. i need to be back by 4th period though. we have a math test today."
"no problem."
we finally get to school and we met up with the boys. i gave em all hugs and sat with leila giving alejandro a sign to leave.
"bye guys. i'll see you two at lunch."
"bye." we both said.
as soon as he left, i asked her:
"what's going on with you and alex?"
"nothing. why do you wanna know?"
"you're my best friend and he is my cousin. don't act like we didn't see you two butt naked at mattia's house."
"okay. i've been dying to tell someone this but we are kind of a thing. i'm not really sure if he wants something more between us though."
"i think he does. i know him more than anyone. but i'll try to talk to him about."
"okayy. be my wingman."
"i gotchu. you already know."
the bell rings.
"okay i'll see in 3rd."
"wait wait wait. i'm actually not gonna be there."
"im skipping with mattia."
"okay. i'll see you at lunch then?"
"yes ma'am." i gave her a hug and went with mattia and kairi since they were waiting for me.
"hurry up." kairi said.
"shut up shorty."
"hey. i grew an inch so now i'm taller than you.  you can't be talking to me like that anymore hoe."
"stfu kairi." we both start laughing.
we get to class and mattia gives me a hug.
"i'll meet you by the cafeteria during passing period."
"see you then."
i could see him smiling as he walked away.
second period ends and i go to the cafeteria to meet up with mattia. he was already waiting for me.
"okay. we need to sneak out the back way so the cameras don't see us. we just need to go through the wood shop class. the teacher is cool though. he'll let us out the back door."
"you do this a lot, huh?"
"you know it." he winked at me.
he grabs my hand as we walk to the classroom. as soon as we walked in, mattia acted like he was getting his project from outside. he doesn't even have this class. we make it out the back way and head to his car.
"so where are we going?" i asked.
"you'll see."
we pull up to his house.
"wait in here. i'm just gonna grab something real quick."
5 minutes later he comes out with a box in his hand and flowers. he gets back in the car and hands me the box.
"this is for you. open it."
i literally couldn't stop smiling. i open the box and there is a photo album and a card inside. i open the card and read it first. it says:
dear sarah,
i have been in love with you since the first day of kindergarten when we sat next to each other at lunch. ever since that day, i knew you were the one. over the years, we've made so many amazing memories together like staying up till 3am on facetime, going out at 1 in the morning for pizza with the boys, sleepovers at alejandro's house, and being there when you scored your first goal on the varsity team. thank you for being my #1 support system and going to every single one of my games before you joined the team. you make me happier than i thought i could ever be.
i started tearing up. i decided to open up the photo album but that's when the tears really began to flow. there were pictures from kindergarten all the way until junior year. pictures with notes on them describing what happened and where it happened. pictures from our first sleepover at alejandro's house with all of us, pictures of every soccer game we had, even pictures of us messing around in class. i looked up at him and he just gave me the biggest smile.
"i love you." he said.
"i love you too."
"let's go get food before we go back."
"yessirrrr. where are we going?"
"okay. sounds good."
we got there in about 10 minutes and it was cloudy and raining today. before i got out, mattia said:
"hold on. don't get out yet."
"why?" i said laughing.
he opens my door and opens up the umbrella.
"i don't want you to get wet amore mio."
i was blushing hella hard. i put my arms around his waist and he put his left arm around me until we got inside.
we got our food and dipped. we went back to school 10 minutes before lunch started so we just sat in his car and listened to music. after we heard the bell ring, we met up with the boys. i grabbed kairi because i needed to tell him what just happened with mattia. i tell him everything.
"sarah!" he gave me a hug.
i whispered in his ear, "i need to talk to you."
"what's up?"
i dragged him to the other side of the cafeteria.
"mattia said he loves me."
we were both screaming. then we went back and sat with the boys at our table. i sat next to mattia. as soon as i sat down, he put his arm around me and i put my head near his neck.
he whispered in my ear; "wanna come over after school?"
i knew if he said it out loud, the boys would wanna come too.
i just nodded my head, smiled at him, and started studying for my math test.
"sounds like a plan amore mio."
soccer practice was cancelled because of the rain so mattia and i just went straight to his house.

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