chapter 5 😚

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after 6th period, i was talking to leila and kairi about everything. detail after detail.
"so what happened?" asked leila.
"a lot. okay so first he asked me to skip 3rd with him. i did obviously. then he gave me flowers, a card and a photo album. he is the most amazing guy i have ever met." i showed them the pictures in the album.
"look!" said kairi. "that's me, you, and mattia when we were in 3rd grade. we were so cute."
"yeah. you're ugly as hell now."
"i hate you."
"stfu. you know you love me."
"wait so are you and mattia dating?" leila asked.
"i really don't know tbh. i wish we were though."
"hey." someone said. they hugged me from behind. i turned around and it was mattia.
"hey." i said smiling at him.
"i think that's a yes." leila said.
"let's go?" he asked.
"go where?" kairi asked as he smirked.
"i'm just gonna drive her home dumbass."
"okay, okay." kairi said.
"yeah. lets go." i told him.
i say bye to kairi and leila and mattia and i walked to his car.
he plays some music and we sing at the top of our lungs together.
we get to his house. he takes me to his room and turns on the TV. he puts on my favorite show, that 70's show and grabs some sodas outta the fridge. i take off my shoes and ask him if i could change in his bathroom.
"yeah it's right there."
he walks me to the bathroom and i grab my shorts that i keep in my backpack. i was not about to lay down with jeans on. i walk back to his room and lay down on his bed. he smiles at me and he lays down next to me.
"wanna do anything tonight? like go to the movies?" he asks me.
"yess! what do you wanna see?"
"a scary movie fs. or that new joker movie."
"countdown?" i asked him.
"yes. i'm pretty sure it's not gonna be that scary but i'll hold you if you get scared." he winked at me.
"wanna invite leila and alejandro?"
"deadass. yes."
"lemme facetime her."
i facetimed her.
"what's up whore." she said.
"heyyyyyyy. wanna go to the movies with mattia and i?"
before she could say anything, i heard alejandro in the back saying something to her.
"what's up cuzzzz."
"wanna come to the movies with mattia and i?"
"yes ma'am. leila's coming too."
"i literally asked her first but go off buddy."
"what time should we be there?"
"meet us there at 8?" i gave mattia a look as if i was asking him. he nodded at me.
"sounds good cuz."
"love you guys."
"i love you." they both said to me.
i hung up on them and cuddled with mattia until 6:30pm.
"let me get up and get ready."
"nooooo. i want to stay like this forever. don't get up."
he hugged me tighter.
i kissed him and stayed in bed with him till around 7:20pm.
"i need to get ready." i said while getting up.
"ughhffhfhdududud. i told you not to get up."
"we need to get ready mattia."
"whatever. i'm up." i laughed at him.
i put my jeans back on, brushed my hair, and grabbed my stuff. mattia was wearing a black hoodie and adidas track pants.
"let's head out baybeeeee!" he said.
we get in the car and headed to the movie theater. by the time we got there, leila and alejandro were already there.
"finally." said alejandro with an attitude.
"stfu. it's only 7:48." i said.
"i'm playinggg. don't trip."
"whatever alex."
we got our tickets and went to go get some snacks.
"what do you want? i'm treating." mattia asked us.
"i want popcorn for leila and i and a coke." said alejandro.
"what do you want babygirl?" mattia asked me.
"i just want a dr pepper." i could not stop smiling. he called me babygirl. i was blushinggg.
mattia handed us our stuff and we went to go sit down.
"thank you." i told him and i gave him a kiss on the cheek. i could see him try to hold back a smile.
"anytime." he said as he pulled me closer to him.
we sat at the very top row. i sat in between mattia and leila and alejandro sat on the other side of leila. the movie started.
"scared?" mattia whispered in my ear.
"never that."
a jump scare came on and i flinched so hard.
"nEvEr ThAt." he mocked me as he put his arm around me.
"shut uppp." i told him. he just laughed as he watched the movie.
i turned around to check on alex and leila. they had each other's tongues down each other's throats. i tapped on mattia so he could see. he made this face "😳" and just kinda stared at me. he started to lean in and leaned i in too. we kinda sorta maybe made out for a lil bit. leila tapped on my shoulder. i didn't want to pull away so she pulled away for me.
"get a room you two." she said.
"don't act like we didn't see what you and alex were doing 2 minutes ago."
we laughed it off and i put my head on mattia's chest. after the movie, we went outside and it was 10pm. leila was staying at alejandro's house tonight so it was just mattia and i.
"do you want me to take you home?" he asked.
"i really don't wanna go home." i told him.
"wanna go to the beach?"
we drove off to the beach. as soon as we got there, we took off our shoes, turned on a speaker, played some daniel caesar, and walked along the beach holdin hands.
"you should sleep over." he said.
"i should?" i smiled at him.
"yeah. you definitely should." he grabbed my face and kissed me.
"okay fine. lemme text my mom and let her know."
after i texted her, we danced to the music having a good ass time. we took pictures together and just had fun until around 12am.
"ready to go?" he asked.
"yup." i said. i was so tired.
we drove to his house. i took a shower, brushed my teeth, and washed my face.
"do you have any sweats i can borrow?" i asked.
"fs amore mio." he handed me his black champion hoodie and some grey sweats.
"thank you mi amor."
as soon as my hair dried, i jumped in his bed right next to him and i was about to crash.
"goodnight." he kissed my cheek.
"goodnight mattia." i turned around so i could kiss his lips and we fell asleep at around 2:30am.

(i'm sorry if this one sucks but the next couple chapters are gonna be superrrr long sooo get ready ‼️)

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