I Cant Handle Change. Yan-Tom Riddle x Fem! Reader

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Im Grindalwalds daughter, never a day in my life have i been left alone, even though thats what i craved, to just be left alone, to spend a day in hogwarts without someone breathing down my neck, and it hadnt mattered what house i was in, whether slytherin with their"she's evil" or in Gryffindor"what a disgrace." Blah blah blah. All i wanted was peace and quite and lonely sollitude. Though i figured out in my forth year, i was always alone, even with all those people around.
Though at 14 it was when i met Tom Riddle, a smart devious young Slytherin, a year older than I was. He was devilishly handsone with this glint in his eye that drew my wishing body to him. Not like that. But rather i was drawn to him, and that strange creepy charm to him. I couldnt put my finger on it either, that year i had realized more about myself, about the world, and about this Tom Riddle all with his help.
Over the summer we sent letters back and forth and he told me of his plans, of his past, told me he trusted me. At first i wanted to take these letters to the administration immediately, all the evidence of planned terrorism was in my hands but, the moment he wrote that he had trusted me, I just couldn't.
That next year I kept my mouth sealed tight about everything and remained by his side, id just close my eyes smile and oblige. Clearly he had liked me enough that he considered me his right hand woman, often he would lay beside me, his head on my chest gazing at the stars. He would complain, would plot, would fantasize, while i remained silent with a smile, for thats all i had known how to do, and clearly he didnt mind for the 16 year old boy seemed to enjoy my silence, perhaps it made him feel superior, or made him feel as though i was really listening.
Though as ge gained more 'followers' i just remained as his quiet little doll, because if i opened my mouth i feel I'd let out something to dishonor his trust. But slowly as another year went by and i brvame a sixth year and he became a 7th i realized, perhaps i had feelings for him. . . the way he made me feel more special than anyone else, ptotected me from anyone and everyone, made my heart ascend.
But he began to drift the more and more people showed, and i felt he no longer wanted or needed me to vent to, so i began to try and make other friends, thats when i met a hufflepuff boy by the name of Mika, he had this soft short hair with light blue eyes and he was so kind, and treated me like a real human, which was strange.

Some days i missed hanging out with Tom but Mika was fun, he happened to be hilarious and i tell him often to become a comedian, though i often feel as though my laugh was rather loud an i find my self clasping a hand over my mouth to try and quiet myself down, often ill look over an see the boy glaring my way and instantly ill sink down and regret even laughing at a joke that wasn't one he made.

One night me and Mika cuddled in my bed as he told me about his crush on some Ravenclaw boy, i kept Mika's secret, that he was gay. I never minded myself. I thought it added to his character. I went to speak before being cut off suddenly when my door flew open, and their was the man of the hour.
Tom Riddle commanded the blonde boy in which he nodded in compliance quickly scurrying out of the room. I glare and stand quickly, tensing as he slammed the door behind him while he walked into my room. "I didnt invite you here." Clearly my words didnt much natter to him and didnt effect this march toward me.
I said backing up before he pinned me against the wall, i gasp softly and look at him with wide eyes.
"You are mine y/n. Do you understand."
He said with this evil and menace behind his words. I shiver in fear.
"And you even look at that little boy toy and I'll snap him like a twig. Because i love you."
I knew it wasnt love, it was obsession and need. It scared me.
"Tom i-i c-" i was cut off bt his lips and pushed on the bed as he got on top of me.

The next morning i awoke with a jolt and panted softly from my nightmare. I held my head getting up and noticing. Im no longer at my dorm. This wasnt my room. I quickly darted for the door but was tugged back by a chain on my ankle causing my half nude body to crash to the floor making me hiss slightly and i look back tugging on the chain.
"You shouldnt have disappointed me. Now you wont go anywhere you're mine....forever... I love you."

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