Chapter 1: The Trip to Luxor

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Once they got back to the palace, the guards unlocked the gate and they walked through the gate. The guards then locked the gate. The palace doors opened and they walked inside. Once inside, the palace doors then shut. They went to go find Khoti, so they could take him back to Luxor. Once they found him, Khanis replied "Uncle.There is something Nekar has to say." Khoti looked deep into his son's eyes, waiting for him to say something. "F-F-Fa-Father. I have decided that I'm going to live here with Khanis and Khanet instead of going back to Luxor." Nekar stated. Tears came to Khoti's eyes. Khoti sighed with sadness in his eyes and explained "I'm very upset to hear such news, but I respect your decision because you are now a grown man and you're allowed to make your own choices in life." "Thank you, Father." Nekar exclaimed.

"What will your Mother say about this?" Khoti asked his son. "I don't know, Father. I hope she accepts the fact that I'm leaving Luxor for good." Nekar declared. "Your Mother was always so protective of you." Khoti stated. "I know, Father." Nekar replied. "We don't have a minute to lose. We must leave at once." Khanis stated. While Khanis, Khanet, and Nekar walked out of the room, so they could get the chariots ready, Khoti began packing his stuff. Once he was done packing up his things, he rushed out of his room, down the steps, and to the front gate, where the chariots were ready to go. He ran through the front gate and hopped onto one of the chariots. They all then rode off to the kingdom of Luxor, where Nekar's Mother, the Queen, was sitting on her throne.

After awhile, they had finally reached the palace in Luxor. They got off the chariots and walked to the gate. The guards unlocked the gate and they walked through. The gate then closed and the palace doors opened. Once they walked through the doors, the doors shut behind them. "Selma!" Khoti shouted. "Husband. Where have you been?" Selma asked. "I was in Cairo." Khoti answered. "I thought we weren't allowed to go back." Selma replied. "Well as it turns out, Khotep is dead." Khoti replied back. "And for what reason did you dare go on a trip so risky?" Selma asked. "For them." Khoti answered as he showed Khanis and Khanet to Selma. "Aunt Selma. It's me, Khanis. Your Nephew." Khanis exclaimed. "And I'm Khanet. Your Niece." Khanet added. "Oh. I didn't recognize you for a moment. You two have gotten so tall since I last saw you." Selma responded.

"Selma. Our son has decided he wants to live in Cairo." Khoti stated while looking at his son. He then looked back at his wife. Selma gasped at the thought that her son would be leaving her like a baby bird leaving the nest. "Please, Mother." Nekar begged. Selma then sighed. "I guess I have no choice, but to let you go. I can't keep you here forever. You're now an adult and it's time for you to lead your own life. I'll let you move to Cairo." Selma explained. "Thank you, Mother. Don't worry. I'll come visit you." Nekar stated. The Queen then smiled sadly.

Khoti gasped in surprise because he was hoping his wife would go against it. "Selma. Are you insane?" Khoti shouted. "Khoti. We can't keep our son trapped in here for the rest of his life. He needs to be free. He's an adult. He doesn't need to live with us no more." Selma explained. "Father. You said you were fine with me moving to Cairo." Nekar pointed out. "Well to tell you the truth, I'm really not!" Khoti replied while turning to look at his son. He marched over to Nekar. "You can't leave. I don't want to lose you." Khoti explained as tears strolled from his eyes. "Father. I can do this. I need to be on my own and besides I'll come visit you. I promise." Nekar replied. "I love you, Son." Khoti exclaimed while continuing to cry. "I love you too, Dad." Nekar exclaimed back. They then hugged each other. They then stopped hugging each other. "Very well. If you want to move to Cairo, I won't stop you." Khoti replied.

Khoti then walked over to the thrones, walked up the steps, and sat in his throne. Khanis, Khanet, and Nekar then went to Nekar's room, so they could pack his stuff. Once they were in his room, Khanet exclaimed "This is your room." "I wish my room was this cool." Khanis added. Nekar chuckled and explained "Yeah. But it's kinda hard to get time to myself to do experiments without my parents noticing." They then continued packing his stuff. Once they were done packing, they walked out of his room, down the steps, and walked to the front gate with Nekar's stuff with them. As they were heading out, Nekar turned around, waved at his parents, and yelled "Goodbye, Mother and Father."

They waved back at him and shouted "Goodbye, Son." Nekar then stopped waving at them and continued to walk away with Khanis and Khanet. Khoti and Selma stopped waving at him as well. While Nekar was walking out of the palace with his cousins, Selma began crying and replied "My baby." Khoti saw her crying and comforted her by holding her close. Once they reached the gate, they walked through the gate, and got onto one of the chariots. Nekar set his stuff down at his feet in the chariot. They then set off to Cairo.

Once they arrived in Cairo, they got out of the chariot and Nekar grabbed his stuff. The guards then opened the gate and they walked through. The gate locked and they walked in the palace. Once they were in the palace, they helped Nekar settle into the palace by showing him to his new room and helping him unpack.

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