Chapter 10: The Birth of the Prince

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After awhile, the sun began to set. They saw the moon slowly rising."Let's set up camp." Anubis replied. Everyone nodded and started to set up camp. Once they were finished, they all got ready for bed and fell asleep. The next day, they all woke up, got ready for the day, ate breakfast, and packed their stuff.

They got up and continued their trip back home. While traveling back, Aya's water broke. She groaned in pain. Anubis looked at her and asked "Aya. Aya. What's wrong?" "Anubis. The baby is coming." Aya answered while rubbing her stomach. Anubis then gasped. Worrying about her and the baby being on the way. So, he did what any good husband and father would do.

"Everyone. We need to hurry and get to Cairo before the baby comes." Anubis stated. Everyone nodded and they continued their travels, but at a more quicker pace than before. Nekar casted a spell to make a portal to the palace appear. Once he was done casting the spell, a portal appeared and they all ran through it.

Within seconds, they were standing at the front gate. The guards saw that Aya was about to have a baby, so they opened the gate as fast as they can. Anubis and the others went through the gate except for Khanet, Khanis, and Nekar. Anubis turned around and saw them going somewhere else.
"Where are you guys going?" Anubis asked. "We're going to go find a doctor." Khanet shouted. "Ok. But hurry." Anubis shouted back. Anubis turned back around and quickly got Aya into the palace. Khanet, Khanis, and Nekar turned back around and continued to go find a doctor. While they ran, Khanet declared "I know where we can find a doctor." In the village, they came across a house, where a doctor lived.

Khanet swung the door open and the doctor turned around. "Your Majesty. How can I be of service today?" the doctor asked Khanis. "Doc. Do you know anything about labor?" Khanis asked. "Indeed I do. Why?" the doctor answered. "Our friend's wife is about to have a baby and we need someone who can deliver a baby professionally." Khanis stated. "Well. You came to the right place. Lucky for you, I am skilled at delivering babies." the doctor declared.

"Great. Come with us." Khanis exclaimed. "Let me grab my tools." the doctor exclaimed back. The doctor got up and grabbed his tools. Khanet, Khanis, and Nekar stepped outside the doctor's house as the doctor bolted outside. He closed the door behind him. They all then started running to the palace.

Once they reached the palace, they all ran through the gate and into the palace. Iris left Anubis's room to see if they were there. She saw Khanet, Khanis, Nekar, and the doctor running towards her. After running up the stairs, they stopped running. "Iris. Where is everyone?" Khanis asked. "They're in there." Iris replied while pointing at Anubis's room. They all rushed into Anubis's room and Iris followed them.

As soon as they were in the room, Khanet, Khanis, and Nekar stood still while the doctor walked to the foot of the bed. Anubis was helping his wife breathe and relax. "Aya. Just breathe." Anubis insisted. "I can't. The baby is coming and I'm in a lot of pain." Aya explained. "Just think about what I said a couple of days ago. There is going to be a baby crawling around the palace soon. Think about the thought of us having a baby. Don't focus on the pain." Anubis stated. "Ok." Aya replied calmly.

Ra teleported Thoth, Anubis's daughters: Kebechet and Amut, Bast, Set, even himself. Within seconds, they were all there in Anubis's room. "Ra. Why are we here?" Bast asked. "We are here to witness the birth of Anubis's new child." Ra explained. Set gasped and exclaimed "Son. Why didn't you tell me that you and your wife were going to have a baby?" "I apologize, Father." Anubis replied.

He then grabbed onto Aya's right hand while the doctor was reaching into Aya's stomach. When the doctor had his hands in her stomach, he was ready to deliver the baby. "Now. I need you to push." the doctor urged Aya. "Aya. Push!" Anubis exclaimed. Aya sat up and tried to push the child out of her stomach. 

She laid back down and whispered "Anubis. I can't." "Yes. You can. Do it for the sake of our child." Anubis replied. "Ok." Aya replied back. She continued to push and while doing so, she screamed in pain. The doctor continued reaching into her stomach. He then reached into his bag and grabbed a blade. Then he put the blade in Aya's stomach, so he could cut the cord that was attached to the baby's belly button. After cutting the cord, he removed the blade and set it in his bag. 

Anubis stopped holding her hand and walked to the foot of the bed, so he could see the baby. "I see little toes." Anubis exclaimed. "What else do you see?" Aya asked. "I see legs, chest, hands, arms, and a head." Anubis replied. Seconds later, the baby was born. Ra saw that it was covered in blood, so he cleaned the baby with magic and healed the scar that Aya got from her water breaking.

"Congratulations, Lord Anubis. It's a boy!" the doctor stated. He then handed the boy to Anubis. Anubis began to gasp and smile as he witnessed his newborn son, who was his first son. Anubis walked over to the head of the bed, where his wife was. "Is this him?" Aya asked. "Yep. This is him. Our baby." Anubis replied. Aya then covered her mouth in astonishment. The thought that the baby that was in Anubis's arm's was hers was surprising to her. She then moved her hand off her mouth. "What shall we name him, Anubis?" Aya asked. "I don't know." Anubis replied. 

"How about the name Ali?" Khanet asked as she walked towards them. "I want a name that sounds Prince like. I want my son to have a name with a deep meaning to it." Anubis explained. "Actually, Anubis. It does have a deep meaning. The name 'Ali' is simply an Arabic name, which means champion." Thoth remarked. "Well. Ali it is. If that's what you want, dear?" Anubis exclaimed. "Ali is a wonderful name." Aya stated. "Then that will be his name." Anubis replied.

"Hey. Look, Anubis. He has your eyes." Aya declared. Anubis smiled and exclaimed "He sure does." Anubis then called for his daughters. They walked over to Anubis. "Yes, Father?" the girls asked together. "How would you like to hold your new baby brother?" Anubis asked with delight. "I would love to." Kebechet answered. "No. I want to do it." Amut urged. "No. Me." Kebechet argued. "No. I should hold him." Amut argued back. "You both can hold him." Anubis replied.

Anubis handed the baby to Kebechet. She then handed the baby to Amut once she was done holding the baby. Then, Amut handed the baby back to her father. Anubis handed the baby to Aya and replied "The mother should get to hold her baby for the first time." Aya grabbed the baby from Anubis. She held the baby close to her heart. Everyone in the room fawned over the boy.

Even Set enjoyed the fact that he had a new grandchild. Set got the chance to hold him too. The doctor then left the room and started to head back to his house in the village. The hours passed by and everyone left. The gods went back to the heavens and the others got ready for bed. As soons as Aya and Anubis were done getting ready for bed, they got into bed.

Aya was still holding the baby close to her chest. She set the baby in between her and Anubis, so the baby was in the middle. "I love him." Aya replied to Anubis. "See. Didn't I tell you that having a baby was a great idea?" Anubis replied back. "Yeah. I guess it was a good idea. I just thought it was too soon. But as it turns out, it wasn't too soon at all." Aya explained.

"Well. Now we have started a family together. Isn't this great?" Anubis exclaimed. "Yeah. It's incredible!" Aya exclaimed back. "I think I'm going to sing a lullaby to him." Aya replied. "Go for it!" Anubis replied back. So, Aya took a deep breath and began to start singing. She sang:

"I will always be here. Whether I am far or near. Just remember that wherever I may be, there will always be a little part of me with you and a little part of you with me. Don't you cry, my dear child. You'll know that I'll never lie to you. That I will always be there for you. There for you."

Aya then kissed her son's forehead. "Goodnight, Ali." She whispered. Then, she looked at Anubis and replied "Goodnight, Anubis." "Goodnight, Aya." Anubis replied back. They then fell asleep and so did everyone else. They all slept knowing that even Anubis, the Lord of Death, could be a warrior at heart too. Anubis had the heart of an Egyptian warrior as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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