Chapter 7: Serving The Enemy

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"Now that you work for me, you will do anything I tell you to do." Evil Anubis replied. "Can I do anything for you right now, sir?" Khanet asked.

"No. I will be in my room. I will get you when I need something from you." Evil Anubis replied. Evil Anubis then walked away. He walked up the stairs and into his room. He then shut the door behind him. Anubis came up with an idea. He walked over to Khanet.

"Khanet. Now's your chance to end him here and now." Anubis explained. "How? He can't die. He's a god." Khanet replied. "I know. But you can kill him if you turn him into a human." Anubis replied back. "How do I turn him into a human?" Khanet asked. "There is a vial that can make him into a human. Once I get the vial, pour it into his drink, and give it to him." Anubis explained. "Then, after he drinks out of his cup, stab your dagger right into his chest." Anubis added. "But he didn't want a drink. So he's going to suspect that something weird is going on." Khanet pointed out. "If he asks, just tell him that you're simply doing this from the bottom of your heart and to show that you are a very loyal servant." Anubis replied. "Got it. So, how do we get this 'vial'?" Khanet asked curiously.

"I will get Isis to make a human vial." Anubis stated. He then prayed to Isis to get her to make the vial for Evil Anubis. Isis heard Anubis's prayer and made the human vial as quick as she could. Once she was done making it, she put it in a little bottle, put the cork in, and used magic to teleport her to Anubis. Within seconds, she was standing in front of Anubis. She handed the vial to Anubis and exclaimed "Here's that vial that you requested." "Thanks." Anubis exclaimed back.

"What do you need it for anyways?" Isis asked. "Khanet is going to pour this in Evil Anubis's drink and then she's going to kill him." Anubis explained. "Well somebody should. I can't stand him much longer." Isis stated. She looked at Khanet and replied "Good luck, Khanet." "Thank you, Isis." Khanet replied back as she curtsied. "Goodbye." Isis exclaimed. She then used magic to teleport her back to Egypt. Within seconds, she was gone.

Anubis handed the vial to Khanet. Khanet grabbed the vial from him. "Pour this in his drink and you'll be fine." Anubis explained. Khanet looked at the vial. Then, she looked at Anubis. "Ok. I'm going to go make a drink for him and hopefully he drinks it." Khanet replied. Since Khanet didn't know where the kitchen was, Aya teleported her to the kitchen. Seconds later, Khanet was in the kitchen with the vial in her hand.

Khanet opened the cupboard and grabbed a golden goblet. She set the goblet and the vial on the counter and closed the cupboard. Khanet looked around the kitchen to see what Evil Anubis could drink. On the island counter, there was a pitcher of human blood. She then looked at the vial to see if it would blend in with the drink. The color of the vial was red.

"Perfect!" Khanet exclaimed. She looked at the pitcher of blood again, grabbed it, and brought it over to the goblet and the vial. She poured the blood into the goblet and set the pitcher on the island counter again. She then picked up the vial, took the cork out, and poured the vial into the drink. Once the vial bottle was empty, she put the cork back in. Khanet picked up the goblet. Aya teleported Khanet back to Anubis. Within seconds, Khanet was standing next to Anubis. She handed the empty vial bottle to Anubis. He grabbed it and put it in his bag. "It's time to give this drink to Evil Anubis." Khanet stated.

Anubis then nodded at Khanet and went back behind the pillar to hide with the others. Khanet then walked over to the stairs, walked up the stairs, and opened his door. She then walked into his room.

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