Chapter 8: The Final Showdown

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"I made you a drink, sir." Khanet replied. "I didn't want a drink." Evil Anubis snarled. "Why did you make me a drink?" Evil Anubis then asked. "I was doing something nice for you to show you how loyal of a servant I am to you." Khanet explained. Evil Anubis got up and off his bed and walked out the door. He turned around and demanded "Follow me." Khanet turned around and followed Evil Anubis. She shut the door behind her. Evil Anubis looked forward and began walking down the stairs with Khanet trailing behind him. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, they walked over to the throne.

They both walked up the steps and onto the platform. Evil Anubis sat in his throne and Khanet stood beside the throne. She handed the drink to Evil Anubis and he grabbed the drink from her. He then took a sip from his goblet and declared "This tastes funny!" He smacked his lips, trying to figure out the taste of the liquid he just drank. He stopped smacking his lips. "I put cinnamon in the blood to give it a nice zesty taste!" Khanet explained. "It tastes good, but a little differently than when I usually drink blood." Evil Anubis exclaimed.

"I'm glad you like it, sir." Khanet exclaimed back. "Yeah. I really like it. It has more flavor!" Evil Anubis replied. "Only for you, sir." Khanet replied back. Evil Anubis then gulped the drink down. Once he was done, he stopped drinking from the goblet with blood matted on his face, and declared "Ahhh. Delicious!" Within seconds, Evil Anubis turned into a human. He looked the same, but was no longer immortal. He wiped the blood from his face.

Anubis and the others came out of hiding and ran over to the throne. Evil Anubis and Khanet saw Anubis and the others standing there. "Well. Well. Well. Anubis. So we meet again." Evil Anubis stated. "You don't deserve to take over Egypt." Anubis explained. "You fool. I'm you. I know how much you love to have power." Evil Anubis added. "At least I'm not using my power to slaughter millions and take over a beloved country. At least I'm not setting Egypt up for failure." Anubis pointed out. Evil Anubis snarled at Anubis's words.

"Why is taking over so important to you?" Anubis asked. "I have no domain. I want a kingdom for me and the other gods to live rather than being stranded in this stupid dimension, where there's nothing left for us." Evil Anubis answered. Khanet began to draw her dagger from her sheath. Her dagger then was completely out. She screamed in fury and stabbed Evil Anubis in the chest.

Evil Anubis stared at her dagger lodged in his chest. Then, he looked at Khanet. He smiled evilly. "How many times must I tell you that you can't..." Evil Anubis began to explain. He then felt a painful feeling deep in his chest. "...kill me?" Evil Anubis then replied. Khanet removed her dagger from his chest. "Why do I feel like I'm dying?" Evil Anubis asked. "You turned into a human." Anubis explained. "How is that even possible?" Evil Anubis then asked.

"I didn't put cinnamon in your drink. It was a vial that turned you into a human." Khanet explained. She then put her dagger away. "You imbecile! Do you have any idea how much pain you put me through? Do you know how painful this feels?" Evil Anubis replied. "That's what you get for trying to take over Egypt. Just so you know, the bad guys always lose." Anubis explained while uncrossing his arms.

"Not always. Some manage to get what they want." Evil Anubis declared. "Yeah. If they're lucky." Anubis stated. Evil Anubis then groaned in pain. "I have always... hated you, Anubis." Evil Anubis pointed out. "And I have always hated you too." Anubis stated while crossing his arms and smiling. Then, after taking a final breath, Evil Anubis laid dead on his throne. The goblet dropped out of his hand and rolled down the stairwell. The blood continued gushing out of his chest. Khanet then walked down the stairs to join Anubis and everyone else.

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