Chapter 6: The Rescue

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While they were heading to the palace, Khanet was trapped in a cage in Evil Anubis's throne room. Since Evil Anubis wasn't there at the moment, Khanet decided to sing. She sang:

"I see the light shining no more. As I know that there is no door. My life is spilling from my bones. While I'm stuck in this cage surrounded by clones. Will someone come and save me now? Will I be washed away by the wave? Or will my last moment come? Filled with blood and hatred.The rain will flood the sacred lands. While I'm trapped in a coffin. This pain will come crashing down on me. Filled with blood and hatred. My blood forever stained on the enemy's hands. I'm being contained by this evil force. Filled with blood and hatred."

Tears spilled from her eyes and down her cheeks. She wiped her tears and whispered "Anubis. Where are you?" Evil Anubis had heard her singing and stormed into the room. He marched over to her cage, slammed on the cage, and screamed "Stop singing!" Khanet jumped back in fear. Evil Anubis then walked away. Within seconds, Anubis and the others got into the palace to help Khanet escape. She stood up and walked over to the front of the cage, only to see Anubis and the rest of her friends standing there.

"Oh great. You guys are here." Khanet exclaimed. "Yes. We are here to help." Anubis replied. Khanet then noticed that Aya's stomach looked differently since she last saw her. "How long have I been trapped in here for?" Khanet asked jokingly. Aya saw that she was looking at her stomach. She looked down at her stomach, looked back at Khanet, and explained "Oh. That. I'm pregnant." "That's so amazing. You and Anubis are going to have a baby. I'm so happy for you guys." Khanet replied. "Heh. Thanks." Aya replied back. "Can you guys please get me out of here?" Khanet asked.

"Yes. First, we need to come up with a plan on how to get you out of there." Anubis declared. "We need to get the keys." Anput replied. Anubis snapped his fingers, pointed at Anput, and exclaimed "That's it!" "Ooh. I can turn invisible and grab the keys. Nekar added. "Perfect!" Anubis then exclaimed. Nekar then casted a spell on himself and turned invisible. Anubis used his super sight to find the keys.

"The keys are in that room." Anubis replied as he pointed at the room above the stairs, which happened to be Evil Anubis's room. Anubis then stopped pointing. "I'll be right back with the keys in hand." Nekar exclaimed. "Good luck." Everyone cheered. "Trust me. Magic never fails me." Nekar remarked while dusting himself off. While he was walking up the stairs, he whispered "Invisibility spell. Don't fail me now." Once Nekar got to the room, he opened the door, and saw the keys hanging on a hook by Evil Anubis's bed. Evil Anubis wasn't in the room, so he grabbed the keys. He walked down the steps and walked over to the cage. He then put one of the keys into the lock and turned the key. He opened the cage door and took the key out of the lock. Khanet walked out and Nekar walked up the stairs again, put the keys back on the hook, closed the door, and walked down the steps once again.

Nekar then used a spell to make him visible. Within seconds, Nekar was no longer invisible and could be seen again. Anubis then sensed that Evil Anubis was going to come back. Anubis and the others left to go hide. Anubis turned around and noticed that Khanet wasn't coming with them. "Khanet. Come on." Anubis whispered. "We need to get Khanis before we leave. Go! I'll distract him." Khanet explained. Anubis nodded and left to go hide with the others.

Seconds later, Evil Anubis came back and saw that Khanet was out of the cage. "Why are you out of the cage?" Evil Anubis growled. "Evil Anput let me out because I told her that I would do anything for my freedom. I will do anything you ask me to do. I am forever in your debt." Khanet stated. Evil Anubis smiled evilly and explained "Excellent! You work for me now!"

The Heart of the Egyptian Warrior 4: The Cloning DefectWhere stories live. Discover now