Chapter 3: The Surprise in the Desert

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The hours passed and Nekar was settled into his new home. Khanis decided he was going to take a walk through the desert. He was heading out when Khanet saw him leaving and screamed "Where are you going?" "I'm just taking a stroll through the desert." Khanis answered. "Can we come too?" Khanet asked. "I was planning on going by myself, so I could get some peace and quiet." Khanis replied. "Ok. Me and Nekar are gonna hang out." Khanet replied back. "Yeah. You guys catch up on stuff and I'll be right back." Khanis exclaimed. "Ok. Bye." Khanet yelled.

"Bye." Khanis yelled back. Khanis walked out of the palace and through the gate. He then walked farther and farther into the desert.

While he was walking, Evil Anubis went to go see Evil Isis, so she could help him get to Egypt without the use of the portal. "Evil Anubis. What do you want?" Evil Isis asked. "Evil Isis. I need your help to get to Egypt without the portal. There's a plan that I have in store for the young King." Evil Anubis explained while smiling evilly.

"Let me see what I can do." Evil Isis replied. She used a spell to open a portal to Egypt. Once the spell was finished, a portal to Egypt appeared behind Evil Anubis. He turned around and then walked over to the portal. He walked through the portal as Evil Isis shouted "Good luck." After he walked through the portal, Evil Anubis was in Egypt. He prayed for Evil Ra to teleport him to Khanis. Within seconds, Evil Ra answered his prayer and teleported him to Khanis.

Khanis saw Evil Anubis and pulled his dagger out. Once Evil Anubis was near Khanis, he stopped walking. "How did you get here?" Khanis asked. "I got Evil Isis to teleport me here rather than using the portal to my dimension." Evil Anubis explained. "What do you want?" Khanis growled. "I'm here to make a deal with you." Evil Anubis declared. "No. I'm sick and tired of your games and of you possessing the people I love. I'm not gonna let you take control over them this time." Khanis stated. "You do realize that your sister probably doesn't care about you, right?" Evil Anubis asked.

"Stop trying to manipulate me. It's not going to work. My little sister does care about me." Khanis explained. "Fine. Then, why isn't she trying to run after you? Hmmm. Why isn't she making the effort to come find you?" Evil Anubis pointed out. "I told her that I wanted time to myself." Khanis exclaimed. "Whatever." Evil Anubis replied. "You will leave now if you know what's good for you." Khanis stated. "As you wish, your Majesty." Evil Anubis declared as he used his magic to possess Khanis. A couple seconds later, he stopped performing evil magic on Khanis and Khanis got possessed. Khanis put his weapon away. "Now. I command you to kidnap Khanet when she comes into the desert. If she does. If not, kidnap her in her sleep. Then, bring her to my dimension. Don't disappoint me." Evil Anubis demanded.

"Yes, Master." Khanis replied. "You are a very obedient puppet. Complete this task and I shall reward you." Evil Anubis explained. "Yes, Master." Khanis replied once more. Evil Anubis prayed to Evil Ra to teleport him back to his dimension. Within seconds, Evil Anubis's prayer was answered and he got teleported back to his dimension.

Khanis turned around. He pulled his dagger out and looked at the handle. He then smiled evilly. "I know just what to do to kidnap my sister." Khanis stated. He laughed evilly.

The Heart of the Egyptian Warrior 4: The Cloning DefectOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora