𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓮: ℬ𝒶𝒷𝓎 𝒦𝓊𝓌ℴ𝓃𝓊

302 9 8

9:30 pm

Brandon's POV

While we are "watching" Amila, Maggie pulls me into the kitchen.

"I have some news." She exclaimed.

"What's up?" I asked munching on my fries.

"I'm pregnant." She says with the widest smile as I basically choke on my fries.

"Really, like now. Are you serious?" She excitedly shakes her head then engulfs me in a hug.

Lord how am I going to do this.

After we settled down, some of us more than others, I came up with an idea.

"Maybe we should ask Z and Jasmine how to do this." She turned to me and easily nodded her head.

Thank god, we're not alone. We told the other guys that we were leaving and made our way to the hospital.

3rd POV

Brandon and Maggie walked into the delivery room to a bunch of arguing.

"Caleb, I don't think you are pushing out this baby, so you might as well shut the fuck up." Jasmine yelled.

No matter how awkward of a position B was in they still needed to get some advice.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" Maggie says with an overly cheery voice.

"What the fuck do y'all want?" Jasmine groans.

"Sorry to bother you but-

"Z get this fucking baby out of me!" Jasmine cries as a very large contraction shoots through her.

"Can one of y'all hold her hand while I go find a doctor?" He asks.

Brandon volunteers not knowing how much pain she was actually in. She grasps his hand and he immediately wants it back as his veins start potruding out.
A few minutes later, her contractions start claiming down, so they could finally tell her exciting the news.

"Maggie's pregnant!" Brandon blurts out.

"Congrats." Jasmine says, however Zion's reaction is one for the books.

"Good luck, my brother, good luck." Jasmine smacks him upside the head.

"We need advice though." Maggie pleads.

"All I have to say is get ready for your life to change. Oh and enjoy this experience." Jasmine says rubbing her stomach.

Soon the doctor comes in to check if she's finally ready to have the baby.

"Hey, how do you feel, Jasmine?" She asks.

"Like this baby will be the end of me." The doctor chuckles.

"Well I can tell you it's because of his size- Wait I wasn't supposed to say that."

"Ha I told you." Zion says. Jasmine would've said something smart, but another contraction distracts her.

"Caleb, I hate you so fucking much. Why'd I let you do this to me, again? Fuck!"

He shakes his head, chuckling while Brandon and Maggie give each other worryful looks.

"Don't worry about her, she doesn't actually hate me." He reassures them.

"Nope, I actually fucking hate you. Shut the fuck up." The doctor chuckled and finally said something that she wanted to hear.

"Well, Jasmine I have good news and bad news. You're fully dilated and you're ready to push."

"Wait why is that bad news?" Maggie asks.

"It's the hardest part of childbirth, that's why. There's going to be a lot of- well a lot more of he screaming and name calling especially towards this man right here." She says pointing to Z.

"You ready mamas?" He asked her.

"Fuck yes, finally." She sighed. They all chuckled and put on protective clothing for the labor.

"Can I push this baby out now?" Jasmine groans.

"Yes, get ready...


3 hours later, on July 9, 2019 at 12:48 am. Baby Caleb is born.

The doctor hands him to Jasmine, and Maggie and Brandon leave the room to give them some space.

Jasmine's POV

He's perfect. His cries were like music to my ears. I just wanna hold him against my chest for the rest of his life. I passed him to Z and watched as he cradled his small head.

"Hi Caleb, I'm your daddy." I smiled at the cuteness of him and his son.

"Caleb Zahiem Kuwonu, it's a perfect match for him. He's so little and quiet." I admired.

"The complete opposite of me." He chuckled.

"Don't worry he'll get there, right now he's our little man." I said as he placed him back on my chest.

"My little man." I said kissing his little head.

"Thank you, mama." Zion says as he starts to fall asleep.

"Why are you always thanking me?"

"Because you are a strong woman that didn't just give birth to one of my babies, but two. You changed my life in a way I never knew it could. I love you and thank you for my beautiful babies." He gushed placing a sweet kiss on my lips.

"I love you even more, bebe." And I drifted off to sleep.

After we got some sleep- really just me. Our friends and family came in to see him in the morning. I was chatting with Kekeli when Elom walked in the room with Amila holding her teddy bear.

"Mila you wanna meet your baby brother?" I asked with my hands out.

She shyly nodded and he put her in my lap. "Okay, you have to be very gentle ok?"

She nodded and Mama K, placed him in her arms that were being supported by mine.

"I like him." She says kissing his head making them entire room melt.

"I'm so glad I got that on camera." Mama K says crying. We chuckled continued admiring the two.

My babies.

Author's Note: before anyone asks 'HoW cOmE yOu CaN uPdAtE mInE aNd NoT ViDeO gIrL?'

Mine is prewritten to the finish.

Video Girl is something I've been writing over the past few months.

Thank you🙏🏽❤️

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